Well-Known Member
I've had a really really bad day today. My third student of the day is a guy thats got about 8 hours of instruction and we've started working on the stall series. Last time we worked on them, he slightly frooze on the recovery and I had to tell him to let go of the yoke. By far, it wasn't that bad.
Well, going into today with that in the back of my head, we started the day off with stalls. I refreshed his memory on what the procedures were, and handed the plane over to him.
When he dropped the flaps and slowed his speed, the plane stalled. BUT, on the recovery, he again frooze. BUT this time, he frooze at the wrong time. He pushed the yoke ALL THE WAY forward, and FROOZE. Then he pushed in the throttle all the way in and his hand frooze on the throttle.
We began an immediate rapid descent towards earth from 3000'. I mean, the tow bar in the back of the plane was in the air. I yelled for him to let go, and he didn't. In a matter of 4-5 seconds we went from 20 knots to 120knots. I can HONESLTY say that I thought it was the end. I kept trying to pry his hands off the controls but it was as if he was purposely holding them on there till we hit the ground.
Finally, I thought there was nothing else to do but to HIT him as hard as I could and he finally let go. When I grabbed control at about 130 knots I yanked out the power, and VERY SLOWLY pulled back on the yoke. The tow bar in the back near stuck my head because it had been weightless from the fall as well as us.
My heart began racing after the incident. It was weird, I wasn't thinking during the whole thing. All I did was try and recover. No time for panicing. After it was over, there were knots in my stomach and we both wanted out of the plane. We headed back to the airport and landed. I made sure to tell him that things happen and to not let this keep him from flying.
Secondly, Skywest's HR dept calls me because they're having a hard time verifying my attendance at school so they ask me to go get a letter from the school verifying I went to school there. So I go over there and on my way out, a car backs into my car. Now, I am a huge car person. I have a new BMW, and I baby the thing like theres no tommorrow. I"m just a car enthusiast, and its my hobby to really take care of the car. So for it to get hit, was like a dagger in my heart. I know I'm not supposed to have attachments to a car like that becayse things like this can happen, but I've saved up a lot of money and invested a lot of time into it.
So all in all, I've had a bad day. I've lost 15 lbs in 2 months on the atkins diet and haven't touched a dessert or french fry for that long, Today I went and ordered a huge Chocolate Brownie ice cream and cheddar fried with ranch dressing from a restuarant called Islands out here in Socal. It helped a little. until the waiter came over and hugged me before I could stop him, and told me "I'm glad your still alive".
I live to die another day! Haaaa! Take that, students who are out there to kill their instructors!
Well, going into today with that in the back of my head, we started the day off with stalls. I refreshed his memory on what the procedures were, and handed the plane over to him.
When he dropped the flaps and slowed his speed, the plane stalled. BUT, on the recovery, he again frooze. BUT this time, he frooze at the wrong time. He pushed the yoke ALL THE WAY forward, and FROOZE. Then he pushed in the throttle all the way in and his hand frooze on the throttle.
We began an immediate rapid descent towards earth from 3000'. I mean, the tow bar in the back of the plane was in the air. I yelled for him to let go, and he didn't. In a matter of 4-5 seconds we went from 20 knots to 120knots. I can HONESLTY say that I thought it was the end. I kept trying to pry his hands off the controls but it was as if he was purposely holding them on there till we hit the ground.
Finally, I thought there was nothing else to do but to HIT him as hard as I could and he finally let go. When I grabbed control at about 130 knots I yanked out the power, and VERY SLOWLY pulled back on the yoke. The tow bar in the back near stuck my head because it had been weightless from the fall as well as us.
My heart began racing after the incident. It was weird, I wasn't thinking during the whole thing. All I did was try and recover. No time for panicing. After it was over, there were knots in my stomach and we both wanted out of the plane. We headed back to the airport and landed. I made sure to tell him that things happen and to not let this keep him from flying.
Secondly, Skywest's HR dept calls me because they're having a hard time verifying my attendance at school so they ask me to go get a letter from the school verifying I went to school there. So I go over there and on my way out, a car backs into my car. Now, I am a huge car person. I have a new BMW, and I baby the thing like theres no tommorrow. I"m just a car enthusiast, and its my hobby to really take care of the car. So for it to get hit, was like a dagger in my heart. I know I'm not supposed to have attachments to a car like that becayse things like this can happen, but I've saved up a lot of money and invested a lot of time into it.
So all in all, I've had a bad day. I've lost 15 lbs in 2 months on the atkins diet and haven't touched a dessert or french fry for that long, Today I went and ordered a huge Chocolate Brownie ice cream and cheddar fried with ranch dressing from a restuarant called Islands out here in Socal. It helped a little. until the waiter came over and hugged me before I could stop him, and told me "I'm glad your still alive".
I live to die another day! Haaaa! Take that, students who are out there to kill their instructors!