Some shots from the road

Leadville looks like one hell of an airstrip. Wouldn't mind flying there myself but I doubt the 1973 172 I fly would do to well up there.
I wish I could say the BAe, but I was flying the R172 (only kind of 172 worth taking up in the mountains because of the higher HP). I took the Wisky 146 to and from Aspen however.

Its a really fun approach in any aircraft, because of the approach angle and the narrow corridor you must shoot through.

Also the hurricane pic is a 2004/2005 172SP with the G1000s
The first one is a real beauty with the mountains and cloudy sky. I love the look of the mountains. When were in SLC I loved waking up in our room and looking out at the Rockies. They just have a certain aura. Also 6 reminds me of Sion, I think. It is one of the preset flights on FSim2004. The strip lays nessled in the Alps in that case, but still that is beautiful. Keep them coming.
BAe146 later made as the Avro RJ, pretty decent 4-engined jet, nicknamed the "Whisper Jet", at least it is in the UK where it was originally designed by Hawker-Siddley, which got merged into British Aerospace before production begun, hence BAe146. British Aerospace is a founder member of Airbus.