I like beers with my crews, but I also like going out. Am I gonna end up as a slamclicker orrrrr

"and Ill be wearing....

Let's see you finish this...
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But when you're laying over in Ibiza ("Trust me, it's pronounced "eeBITHa" you know, it's CaTHtillion, rent or own? Where do you summer? It's aMAAAAAAzing" (I actually have no idea)

Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 11.25.33.png
Honestly, been doing my own thing for years, with occasional dinner with the person you're flying with. These days, no one notices or cares if you're doing you're own thing because sooo many people have side hustles they work on during a layover.


I'd also add more recent, Covid. I've noticed a lot more pilots either just do the head nod or do a fist bump, instead of a hand shake. As for Covid, I think it's just become acceptable now to do your own thing alone on layovers and not have that seen as something weird/negative. After Covid (almost) everyone understands.
I think that's fine. But, then again, I do mostly pink/red eyes followed by a day sleep. And it's kinda understood that the 11 hours following that is 'alone recovery time.' Either way, my usual brief is as follows: "What's your digits in case our outbound is T.U. and we have to change the van time. I'm probably gonna sleep/relax for X then maybe do this. Text me if you want to grab something to eat otherwise I'll see you at [van time]."

Unless it's someone that I want to hang with, or wants to hang with me, I don't mind the alone time at all. I always have something to catch up on or places I'd like to go.
Forking from a different thread...

I'm headed to the 121 world from 135 ops where there wasn't much downtime with other crewmembers. I'm down to go get a beer with just about anyone, but in my short time, 95% of the amazing experiences I've had were when I've headed out and explored the area on my own. I mean, I know what the inside of a bar is like. I'd rather be learning to surf, summiting mountains, going on a local food crawl... you know, getting out.

Am I going to need to ease up on it a little to not end up as a slamclicker? At least as a low time FO? I'd like to get along with the people I work with. Haven't had any issues so far, but my environment's changing. Or... am I just overthinking things.

On a related note, if any of you jags are up for these kinds of things, maybe we should make a thread. Local JC Adventure Seekers. Or something less REI-inspired, I dunno. #FlightCrewsOnly <<<333
Pro tip. If you are new you are more likely to get free drinks.

That said, I find many times on long overnights there is time to do both things. Go out on your own and plan to come back in time for food/drinks.

The reality of this job is that you will likely visit the same overnights fairly often. You may run out of things to do!
“I’m heading over the the comic shop, then there’s a pickup match of BattleTech (or Warhammer 40K) tabletop happening”

Pretty much guarantees not only a solo afternoon, but very, very little in the way of further inquiry.

Answering any inquiry with any off season sport question... "Is that a Football team?" and any variation of this much guarantees peaceful silence in the flight deck for the rest of the trip:


Bonus points if you bring manuals and figurines. Heck, if pilots can carry around all manners of travel guitars, boards, and bowling balls... then whatever goes.