I like beers with my crews, but I also like going out. Am I gonna end up as a slamclicker orrrrr

Answering any inquiry with any off season sport question... "Is that a Football team?" and any variation of this much guarantees peaceful silence in the flight deck for the rest of the trip:


Bonus points if you bring manuals and figurines. Heck, if pilots can carry around all manners of travel guitars, boards, and bowling balls... then whatever goes.
If I ever make it to the big leagues imma carry a dice set and a couple partially prefilled character sheets
If I ever make it to the big leagues imma carry a dice set and a couple partially prefilled character sheets

It’s not that I’m intentionally off putting, it’s that I don’t really hide my natural personality, and it does all the work.

Or as my GF says: “You know, you should never have any human contact….ever”…
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"I'mma do Black Guy Stuff™, see ya at pickup time"
You can use that, you have my persmish!

One of my colleagues asked what that meant and I told her: "Well, today it means that I'm going to drink some gas station beer, sit on my bed and watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel alone".

Today it means, "I've been doing deeply conspiratorial computer work so I'm going to over-pour a cocktail and play guitar in my game room and maybe a little No Man's Sky"
I don't consider someone a slam-clicker just because they decline a hangout or sightseeing trip or whatever. You can gracefully and politely excuse yourself. I'd say anyone who would give you serious grief over it, you probably wouldn't enjoy spending time with anyway. Some times you're up for it, sometimes you're not. Sometimes you're homesick or tired or need to work on your taxes or just need to stare at the wall for 6 hours. I think most reasonable people understand that. There's also those folks who, for no good reason whatsoever, you just don't have chemistry with. Don't take it personal, and don't expect it to be taken personally.
One of my very best layovers was 24 hours that started with staring at the wall for six hours followed by going for tacos with the other guy; then a solo run the next morning. Another was a 30 hour where I didn't see the other guy. Another was a 15 hour where we immediately spent 5 hours at an Argentinian restaurant in La Ciudad De Mexico and the rest of the time sleeping it off. It really is just whatever makes sense. There isn't pressure to do anything.
There's nothing wrong with that, the beauty of 121 is that there are no expectations one way or another. The most important question is how well do you get along with the other pilot/pilots. Even if you do it gets old after a while to always go out every night. I like to schedule some "me" time at some point in the trip even if I feel like being mostly social.

On a new layover and the captain has been there a million times with lots of suggestions? I'll likely go ahead and follow their lead, with the exception that I don't do Irish Pubs unless I'm in Ireland.

Sometimes I bid a specific trip to go see or eat something in particular. In that case if we get along I'm inviting you over, and if you're not into it I'll go do it on my own. If you come to my favorite Italian restaurant with me I'm also buying. No I don't care how much more you make than me or that you're on a greenslip. It makes it less stressful because I can order what I want regardless of what it costs and if I suggest something for the table and you don't like it I won't feel as bad. Plus I get actual enjoyment from introducing authentic Italian food to people, especially dishes that aren't common or they've never tried, so dinner is on me and let's have a good time.

Sometimes the trip is so tiring that you just want to go to sleep, have breakfast in the morning, catch up on some shows and not talk to anyone.

Every trip is different, every crew is different. Do what makes you happy. This job has enough things to worry about and it's not worth adding more just based on perceived expectations.
It’s not that I’m intentionally off putting, it’s that I don’t really hide my natural personality, and it does all the work.

Or as my GF says: “You know, you should never have any human contact….ever”…
The bulletproof locked door: it isn't just to keep bad guys out.
You can use that, you have my persmish!

One of my colleagues asked what that meant and I told her: "Well, today it means that I'm going to drink some gas station beer, sit on my bed and watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel alone".

Today it means, "I've been doing deeply conspiratorial computer work so I'm going to over-pour a cocktail and play guitar in my game room and maybe a little No Man's Sky"
Most games don’t manage to scare me, but Control actually has. And that’s a good thing. Conventional American horror doesn’t do much for me, but psych horror makes the little hairs on my hands stand up.
Most games don’t manage to scare me, but Control actually has. And that’s a good thing. Conventional American horror doesn’t do much for me, but psych horror makes the little hairs on my hands stand up.

I know what your search terms on the "hubs" are.
Most games don’t manage to scare me, but Control actually has. And that’s a good thing. Conventional American horror doesn’t do much for me, but psych horror makes the little hairs on my hands stand up.
Hey, if you like Control, you may enjoy Quantum Break. It’s another by Remedy with an outstanding story and good actors. Little bit different vibe, not the same eerie / retro future feel, but one of my faves.

They also made Alan Wake, which takes a ton of inspiration from Twin Peaks. Remedy makes amazing stuff.
Hey, if you like Control, you may enjoy Quantum Break. It’s another by Remedy with an outstanding story and good actors. Little bit different vibe, not the same eerie / retro future feel, but one of my faves.

They also made Alan Wake, which takes a ton of inspiration from Twin Peaks. Remedy makes amazing stuff.
Ooh! Thanks.
It’s not that I’m intentionally off putting, it’s that I don’t really hide my natural personality, and it does all the work.

Or as my GF says: “You know, you should never have any human contact….ever”…

You and I would get along famously on a 4-day trip.
You can use that, you have my persmish!

One of my colleagues asked what that meant and I told her: "Well, today it means that I'm going to drink some gas station beer, sit on my bed and watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel alone".

Today it means, "I've been doing deeply conspiratorial computer work so I'm going to over-pour a cocktail and play guitar in my game room and maybe a little No Man's Sky"
Excuse me stewardess, I speak Jive
Naps are grossly underrated, as is getting 8 hours solid.

I see a lot of people completely strung out from life. A little siesta time should be on the FDA’s most wanted list.
I'm visiting my parents this week and it's remarkable how much better I sleep in the house I grew up vs. in a hotel, though this week's domestic flying had a pretty "normal" sleep schedule.