Singapore Severe Turbulence

*clutches pearls*


I wonder and hope the frequency of severe turbulence incidents will put an end to the lap child option. I always cringe when I see this.
I’ll be honest I was super thankful for this option the two times my daughter flew to Turkey while under 2. Not looking forward to spending another $1000+ on a third ticket this year.
I’ll be honest I was super thankful for this option the two times my daughter flew to Turkey while under 2. Not looking forward to spending another $1000+ on a third ticket this year.

Just curious. Does anyone make a fastening type of device that parents can use for lap kids? Maybe like a shoulder harness sort of thing. I've never seen one but think it would be a decent product. I can see it selling in SkyMall next to the tray table pillow tent for in-flight napping. :)
Just curious. Does anyone make a fastening type of device that parents can use for lap kids? Maybe like a shoulder harness sort of thing. I've never seen one but think it would be a decent product. I can see it selling in SkyMall next to the tray table pillow tent for in-flight napping. :)

They gave us a lap belt type thing that piggy backs on to your lap belt. You’re not supposed to use your own belt to strap both of you. Don’t think any US airline gave us one of those. Turkish also has fold out bassinets from the bulkhead at certain seats. My daughter used that for her first flight to Turkey at 5 months old and just slept the entire trip. Don’t know if that has some sort of restraint as I wasn’t on that flight.
I’ll be honest I was super thankful for this option the two times my daughter flew to Turkey while under 2. Not looking forward to spending another $1000+ on a third ticket this year.

This is the example I always use when people push back about there being a realistic way for insurance actuaries to put a price on human life.