Singapore Severe Turbulence

You can't prove this particular storm was because of global warming. Or are you really pretending the ITCZ didn't exist until the last ~15 yrs?

It's a cop out answer because from now on, literally ANY air-involved incident will be attributed to "global warming" without offering any proof.

Literally no one said that this incident was definitely a result of global warming. You’re arguing with…air? A vacuum? I have no clue.

Multiple pilots and controllers did say that they’ve experienced an increase in severe turbulence encounters/reports, which would be an expected effect of the basic physics of a global increase in temperature.

The problem here is that a bunch of muppets assume that basic science is “political” instead of “based on the same physical and chemical laws that keep an airplane flying”, which allows them to just ignore inconvenient realities.
Literally no one said that this incident was definitely a result of global warming. You’re arguing with…air? A vacuum? I have no clue.

Multiple pilots and controllers did say that they’ve experienced an increase in severe turbulence encounters/reports, which would be an expected effect of the basic physics of a global increase in temperature.

The problem here is that a bunch of muppets assume that basic science is “political” instead of “based on the same physical and chemical laws that keep an airplane flying”, which allows them to just ignore inconvenient realities.

Won’t deny the first part.

As for the second part, the problem of “politics” is that every solution the left has proposed basically is a form of tax. People will be forced to pay more to use/enjoy the same things. That’s why the “political” aspect of it.

But I do agree with you, I do think humans are a virus to this planet and we are causing increase in temperatures.
Won’t deny the first part.

Then you agree that no one brought politics into this thread other than you?

As for the second part, the problem of “politics” is that every solution the left has proposed basically is a form of tax. People will be forced to pay more to use/enjoy the same things. That’s why the “political” aspect of it.

Literally none of that has been mentioned in this thread.

But I do agree with you, I do think humans are a virus to this planet

I certainly don’t think that.
Then you agree that no one brought politics into this thread other than you?
No, the commentary made by prior posters did have a pint of politicizing.

Literally none of that has been mentioned in this thread.

Hasn’t been mentioned, but it’s true.

I certainly don’t think that.
By definition, we are. The Matrix called it absolutely correctly. We move to an area, consume the resources there, and we multiply. Rinse/repeat. Human behavior mimics that of a virus.
No, the commentary made by prior posters did have a pint of politicizing.

Completely untrue. There is *nothing* political about responding to “I’ve experienced/seen increased reports of severe turbulence” with (sarcastically implied) “that makes sense given increased heating of the atmosphere”.

Hasn’t been mentioned, but it’s true.

See here…*you* are the one bringing politics into this. As usual.

By definition, we are. The Matrix called it absolutely correctly. We move to an area, consume the resources there, and we multiply. Rinse/repeat. Human behavior mimics that of a virus.

That’s…that’s not unique to viruses or humans.
Completely untrue. There is *nothing* political about responding to “I’ve experienced/seen increased reports of severe turbulence” with (sarcastically implied) “that makes sense given increased heating of the atmosphere”.

See here…*you* are the one bringing politics into this. As usual.

That’s…that’s not unique to viruses or humans.

Ah, so please name what species on this planet is causing global warming?
The problem here is that a bunch of muppets assume that basic science is “political” instead of “based on the same physical and chemical laws that keep an airplane flying”, which allows them to just ignore inconvenient realities.

I have a relative that was recently diagnosed with cancer, malignant but early on and very treatable. The prognosis is a surgery to remove the tumor, a couple radiation treatments (like all in one week), and 99.99999% recovery/ remission. They will be healed from their cancer faster than a hip replacement would take.

Would you like to guess who they thanked for the good news and fast recovery? It wasn’t the nurses, doctors and other medical professionals that have years of education and decades of experience - they attributed the prognosis and fast recovery to their fictional religious figure. Uh, isn’t he (or she) responsible for your cancer in the first place?
By definition, we are. The Matrix called it absolutely correctly. We move to an area, consume the resources there, and we multiply. Rinse/repeat. Human behavior mimics that of a virus.
I’m not a biologist, but I’m pretty sure you’ve just described every form of life. Take any invasive species that hasn’t established a natural equilibrium as an example. Humans are just more adaptive, but our day of reckoning will come too.
By definition, we are. The Matrix called it absolutely correctly. We move to an area, consume the resources there, and we multiply. Rinse/repeat. Human behavior mimics that of a virus.

Ah, yes, the Hollywood Scientist! "Humanity is a Virus, Neo." "Yep, seems right to me! That guy in the movie just distilled the essence of all modern scientific thought! Nothing to be done about it, guess we'll just have to keep doing what we're doing and to hell with the consequences! No choice in the matter! Sentience is an illusion!"

Then proclaims his belief in some farcical deity, goes home, and kisses his children/wife/dog.

Utterly mystifying.
Ah, yes, the Hollywood Scientist! "Humanity is a Virus, Neo." "Yep, seems right to me! That guy in the movie just distilled the essence of all modern scientific thought! Nothing to be done about it, guess we'll just have to keep doing what we're doing and to hell with the consequences! No choice in the matter! Sentience is an illusion!"

Then proclaims his belief in some farcical deity, goes home, and kisses his children/wife/dog.

Utterly mystifying.

That’s pretty much most people. Save a few who switched to electric cars, the rest of the world hasn’t changed its fossil fuel behavior. And there’s nothing to suggest 2nd and 3rd world countries are going to change. That is, unless someone is willing to help them with their infrastructure. We’re too much waisting money in thing we shouldn’t be as a nation, wrong priorities, and too much in debt anyway.
*Wasting*. Much. Too. Money.

What's your solution? Throwing your hands up and punting to the Sky-Bully whilst continuing to contribute to the problem is not an acceptable answer. If your way of thinking were the norm, we'd all still be picking up ox-poop behind a stone plough and dying at 28.

Sorry, wasting too much money.

The solution is to help/build up other 2nd and 3rd world countries so they can get away from terrible fossil fuel usage. But that’s not happening.
You can't prove this particular storm was because of global warming. Or are you really pretending the ITCZ didn't exist until the last ~15 yrs?

It's a cop out answer because from now on, literally ANY air-involved incident will be attributed to "global warming" without offering any proof.

I’m going to use this again and again as yiou step outside your lane, scientifically.