rattle, thunder, thunder, wow


Vocals, Lyrics, Triangle, Washboard, Kittens
Sitting in the passenger lounge at DSM right now waiting to board a flight home.

F-16s from the 132nd Fighter Wing taking off. Maybe it's been a long time since I've seen/heard one, but MAN those suckers rattle the terminal building and everything else that isn't nailed down. Feels like my guts have gotten a subsonic massage this morning....
I watched those very same jets land and takeoff from the control tower there in DSM; what a sight to see!
At the moment, I wish I could hitch a ride. The ERJ I'm waiting on has apparently puked its APU and I'm sitting here wondering if I'm going to be able to leave.
The F-16s are quiet compared to the old F-105/F-106, with their GE J-75 engine and the hard-light afterburner.
Try smoking a cigarette and having a conversation outside at KTUL. I swear I think they have those guys going in shifts. I'll take the silence of totalitarianism.
Try smoking a cigarette and having a conversation outside at KTUL. I swear I think they have those guys going in shifts. I'll take the silence of totalitarianism.

HA! Was out there at Silver State last year before it shut down and 9 F-16's lined up 3 by 3 and took off. One one of the best sounds I have ever heard! Rattles everything!
I went and saw the Space Shuttle piggy backing on the 747 at Carswell JSRB a while ago and the escorts took off two by two and it was about 10 mins of constant grace to my ears.

it was... awesome. :rawk:
Try two F-111's taking off together. You could feel your chest thumping. I was on the flight line at Randolph AFB sitting inside a vehichle during their T/O roll. I thought the truck was going to come apart!

It was very cool!:rawk:
yeah, the f16's a dsm are nuts! we were sitting at the hold short line waiting to cross the runway, 2 f16s came barelling down the runway, gear up, hard break right in front of us, it was sweet!
HA! Was out there at Silver State last year before it shut down and 9 F-16's lined up 3 by 3 and took off. One one of the best sounds I have ever heard! Rattles everything!

Yeah it's pretty great until it's hour 9 of recurrent ground and you're just trying to keep your eyes open and remember the correct letter answers for the test long enough you can go back to the econolodge, down a couple of bud lights and show up at ohmygodoclock to further delve in to the particulars of the TPE331 (or whatever). Like pilots are smart enough to understand that crap. I doze for dollars and they're trying to explain to me how this spline thingie ratchets in to the other thingie and somehow allows the "engine-oil" to do stuff that doesn't appear to have anything to do with the engine or even the prop, at least not directly. And then Maverick and his buddies have to show the russkies how it's done and deafen me when I'm already in a psychotic state of caffeine/nicotine overload? Your tax dollars at play. Go bomb someone!
And then Maverick and his buddies have to show the russkies how it's done and deafen me when I'm already in a psychotic state of caffeine/nicotine overload? Your tax dollars at play. Go bomb someone!

They probably are headed there...at the range with the practice bombs and the old truck targets!:D
The F-16s are quiet compared to the old F-105/F-106, with their GE J-75 engine and the hard-light afterburner.

Mike - Educate a dummy - what is the difference between the afterburners on the F-105, 106 (and I assume all century fighters) and current afterburners? You mention a "Hard-light" afterburner - what is that and what are they today? Thanks in advance.
Nothing is louder than an EA-6B. Especially when they are in the short pattern right over your BOQ room.
Not sure about the burner part, but older century generation fighters, and even F-4s were pure turbojets. Now they are actually (with the exception of the prowler) a turbofan. Makes them a wee bit quieter.
Nothing is louder than an EA-6B.

I have a buddy who is a controller in the (now based out of NAS Fallon) who was telling me that he hates the EA-6B with a burning firey passion cause when he was just gettin into the Navy he was trying to sleep in the barracks and he never could for the months that he was there cause those "damn Prowlers wouldn't stop flying"

I thought it was kinda funny :D
F-16s are for girls. That stick is over there on the side so their dresses and skirts don't get caught on it.