Pilots N Paws

These three guys (and a whole bunch more in back) rode with me in pressurized comfort last summer from TYS to ALB one day. It was a lot of fun, by far these three guys were the most well behaved ones I flew.

We have a few empty legs with the King Air and the boss loves dogs so it might be a win, win.
Point out to your boss it's a big tax write off.

I really don't have a good plane for that but I do have a 1/2 acre fenced backyard. After participating in the sport of dogs for 20+ years we now have a couple of dogs from Golden Retriever Rescue.
Awesome! I did this when I was in Michigan. When I pick up another plane, I'm sure we'll do it again.
@ATN_Pilot Good stuff man!

I was able to do a few Pilots n Paws flights last fall as time building with an aircraft owner in that program. It was a great experience that I would like to do again one day. One flight was a very pregnant catahoula dog, another was 11 mixed lab pups that had survived a fire, and another was a greyhound with a bad leg heading for surgery and adoption. It felt good to help the critters out.
Sad to say that it was raining dogs this week at LEX, Pilots N Paws lost one out the door after takeoff this week.
Hey, dogs get loose from their walkers at my shelter sometimes, and one even got hit by a car on our busy road. RIP. It happens.

This whole thread, and all of it's replies, reaffirms why I'm volunteering at my state's SPCA shelter. When I first started I was worried that it would be sad and depressing. It turns out that the whole experience is the exact opposite. It's very uplifting. The animals are all in a MUCH better situation that their previous existences, and surrounded by the best-of-the-best in terms of medicine, behavioral guidance, trust and relationship learning, health and activity, nutrition, yada-yada, and most of all love and caring from humans!

However, the bottom line is that I've learned more about HUMANS through my time as a volunteer than I have about the animals themselves. The people at the shelter are obviously a special breed (if you'll pardon the pun) and the level of compassion and empathy towards the animals is nothing short of astounding. I think A Life Aloft started a thread somewhere about the dog-human relationship from a scientific standpoint. This thread just reinforces that observation that the human-animal relationship is amazing. Who was the comic that said something along the lines of "if aliens came to Earth they would assume dogs are the dominant species, since humans spent so much time catering to them"?

I'm actually going to have to propose the whole Pilots n Paws thing to our higher-ups at the shelter since we currently send a Sprinter van thousands of miles round trip picking up critters from other parts of the country.

Great post OP!
It is a great organization. Most of my XC time building was on PnP missions. Unfortunately, now that I'm a poor first year FO, I can only volunteer for some driving legs on occasion. But, I'll be back at it some day!