Pilots N Paws


Most Hated Member
For those who haven't heard of it, Pilots N Paws is a charity organization that connects GA pilots and animal rescues who need to move the animals to get them to a foster, a new home, medical treatment, another rescue that has room, etc. It's an excellent organization that does a lot to save the lives of dogs and cats.

I was able to do my first PNP flight yesterday to get a puppy only a few weeks old to a new family after some piece of trash dumped him and his siblings at a kill shelter right after they were born. In rural Louisiana where it was, it would have been virtually impossible to find homes for all of them without PNP, but thanks to them, homes were found all over the country and a bunch of pilots participated to get them there. All in all, it was probably a dozen pilots all volunteering to make it happen. And this happens every single day for dogs and cats all over the country thanks to PNP. If you do any GA flying, I highly encourage you to volunteer for this organization. You're going to be flying anyway, right? Might as well make it for a good cause.

Here are some pics of Bo:


It's rewarding work. My last job figured out that we did so many empty 91 legs, that if they could find a PnP flight to do, they'd try to make it happen. I flew a couple, it was a lot of fun. Turns out you can put a lot of dogs in a 19 seat airplane.

From a finance/tax side, how much of those costs can be tax write-offs? My current operator us much the same: many empty 91 legs. There may be a business case for PNP if costs of empty legs become write-offs.
From a finance/tax side, how much of those costs can be tax write-offs? My current operator us much the same: many empty 91 legs. There may be a business case for PNP if costs of empty legs become write-offs.

No idea. I was just told to fly from A to B with dogs. I'm sure there was some sort of tax benefit, otherwise they wouldn't have been doing it.
Good for you Todd! If I can ever afford to do this I will.

I just ran an adoption event for our local shelter yesterday. Lots of good exposure but damn it breaks my heart having to take the dogs back to the shelter. At the very least we changed a couple people's minds about Pitt Bulls with this young lady.

From a finance/tax side, how much of those costs can be tax write-offs? My current operator us much the same: many empty 91 legs. There may be a business case for PNP if costs of empty legs become write-offs.

All of the variable costs are deductible, just none of the fixed costs. So you can't deduct things like hangar space, insurance, or annual inspections, but you can deduct anything that you pay as a result of doing the flight, such as fuel and FBO ramp fees. There's some disagreement among accountants on whether you can deduct engine and prop reserves, but most seem to believe you can, and I doubt the IRS would make an issue of it.
Great thing that I've considered getting involved in. How did the little guy handle the noise etc?

The 210 is incredibly loud to me without something on my ears..no idea what it would be like for a dog.
Just get some Mutt Muffs. You can use them for your own dog(s) and I have used them also for Paws flights, other dog rescues and for clients or family/friends who fly with their pets. Have a couple in each size as well as various sized doggy harnesses with a padded chest piece that can attach to any seat with some adjustable webbing straps (easy to rig up) to keep them on a seat and safe. They can lay down on the seat or sit up on it, but can't get out of the seat. I put a dog blankie on the seat or a big soft beach towel so they are comfy, feel more secure and they don't slide around. They even make the Muffs for cats!



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Great thing that I've considered getting involved in. How did the little guy handle the noise etc?

The 210 is incredibly loud to me without something on my ears..no idea what it would be like for a dog.

He seemed to like it. He was anxious and whining until the engine started, then immediately laid down and fell asleep in the crate. Didn't wake up until he heard me open a can of soda.

I probably will get some of the Mutt Muffs, though. At least for my own dog, since she'll probably be spending a good amount of time in the plane.
In the 70's early 80's no one wore headsets in GA aircraft. We're none the worse for it.

Consider yourself fortunate then. Plenty of older commercial pilots have various types of Tinnitus now (including myself) after spending decades flying and in various outdoor areas of airports because headsets were not nearly as good as they are now.
I probably will get some of the Mutt Muffs, though. At least for my own dog, since she'll probably be spending a good amount of time in the plane.
They are very comfortable for the dogs and they get used to them fairly quickly. She'll be happier and more comfortable. Some dogs have issues with having their ears touched, so you just start at home by leaving them on for short periods of time to get them used to the feel. You can even use them on the 4th of July or other holidays where people are prone to shoot off various kinds of fireworks or if your dog is afraid/nervous during lightening/thunderstorms..
Good for you Todd! If I can ever afford to do this I will.

I just ran an adoption event for our local shelter yesterday. Lots of good exposure but damn it breaks my heart having to take the dogs back to the shelter. At the very least we changed a couple people's minds about Pitt Bulls with this young lady.

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Good for you!!! I hope all the bubbies get a forever home really soon.

I am always telling Sue how spoiled our animals are and teasing them about how they have it too soft and don't deserve it and threatening to not be so good to them, be tougher on them, telling her they need jobs because we spend too much money on them, etc. Last night she and I were lying in the double barkalounger with Max on the ottoman and his head on my leg, she was cradling Teddy in her arms like a baby and I was holding Snickers the cat in my arms and I told her....'that's it! No more treating these animals like little children. No more hugs, and especially no more kisses! Ever!' She looked at me like WTH? Snickers the cat then reached out her tiny paw, put it on my cheek very gently and I started kissing her behind her ear and on her cheek. Then I said, 'Okay we'll start this tomorrow for sure!' lol My hope is that all the unwanted dogs and cats get to feel a pair of comforting arms around them and kisses.