Pilots in Hawai'i?


Well-Known Member
Hey all! It's me again, with my annoying questions! :panic:
Are there any pilots here that live in Hawai'i? Anyone that lives in Hawai'i? Anyone that plans on moving there or going to fly there? :eek:

If so, what's it like to be a pilot and live there? I was planning on going to college at U of Hawai'i-Manoa, in Honolulu.
Would you recomend it?
Hey all! It's me again, with my annoying questions! :panic:
Are there any pilots here that live in Hawai'i? Anyone that lives in Hawai'i? Anyone that plans on moving there or going to fly there? :eek:

If so, what's it like to be a pilot and live there? I was planning on going to college at U of Hawai'i-Manoa, in Honolulu.
Would you recomend it?

It's usually HI pilots that move from there to fly in the states.
Some schools will have housing for their CFI's in Hawaii which will help with costs, but don't forget every cost is increased do to the need to ship everything in except for coffee, pineapple and some nuts.
Some schools will have housing for their CFI's in Hawaii which will help with costs, but don't forget every cost is increased do to the need to ship everything in except for coffee, pineapple and some nuts.

"Nuts"...geez, it's not nice to call those people names...
I flew out there for a while and the cost of living is a bit outrageous. If it wasn't, every jerk you know would be boarding the next flight to move out there. I flew overnight USPS freight for a 135 company out there and had a great time doing it. If you are planning to go to UH-Manoa, get you app in early and have good SAT/ACT scores. If you are planning to fly out there, you might want to do some research about the flight schools before you go. I would recommend Moore Air because I used to work with the guy that owned the place. P.S. They really don't grow that many pineapples on the island of Oahu anymore, just like most everything else, the produce has been outsourced except for enough to keep the Dole plantation in business and garnish the drinks at Dukes.
I currently have my training on hold because I am currently deployed, but I was working on my PPL in Honolulu before I left. There are several places to choose from at the airport, you have Flight School Hawaii, George's Aviation, Moore's aviation, Anderson aviation and a few others. At what used to be Barber's Point, the Honolulu Community college is running an aviation program http://tech.honolulu.hawaii.edu/avit/ take a look at it, it might be something you are interested in.

I also saw in another tread that you are looking into going to college in Honolulu, I would recommend doing your lower level classes at a local community college and then transfer to the university of your choice. Yes you can save some money in a community college, but at a University you can expect to have 100 or more students in some lower level classes like English 101 (at least that was the case at the University of Texas about 16 years ago). Just make sure that you can transfer your credits from one place to the other, I have a few friends that took classes that they could not transfer.
I currently have my training on hold because I am currently deployed, but I was working on my PPL in Honolulu before I left. There are several places to choose from at the airport, you have Flight School Hawaii, George's Aviation, Moore's aviation, Anderson aviation and a few others. At what used to be Barber's Point, the Honolulu Community college is running an aviation program http://tech.honolulu.hawaii.edu/avit/ take a look at it, it might be something you are interested in.

I also saw in another tread that you are looking into going to college in Honolulu, I would recommend doing your lower level classes at a local community college and then transfer to the university of your choice. Yes you can save some money in a community college, but at a University you can expect to have 100 or more students in some lower level classes like English 101 (at least that was the case at the University of Texas about 16 years ago). Just make sure that you can transfer your credits from one place to the other, I have a few friends that took classes that they could not transfer.
Wow, thank you so much for that link!
I was actually looking at Honolulu CC for the first two years possibly!
That means I can transfrer to UH-Manoa after doing the two year commervial aviation program, and do something else as my back up! :D
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. From the U of Hawaii aviation website.

There is a global pilot shortage – every country needs pilots. Emerging nations with are increasing the demand for qualified commercial pilots. Approximately 12,000 pilots will be eligible for retirement each year for the foreseeable future. In the United States an estimated 15,000 commercial pilots will be hired to for domestic and worldwide needs.

edit: Should read more like this:

There is a global pilot surplusnot one country needs pilots. Emerging nations with are not increasing the demand for qualified commercial pilots. Approximately 12,000 pilots will be eligible for furlough each year for the foreseeable future. In the United States an estimated 15,000 commercial pilots will be getting frustrated with the industry and seeking other careers. But hey, we'll take your money.

Man if this doesn't take the cake.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Wow, found more, I think they're filling potential students heads full of "doo doo". Besides telling them pilots are in hot demand, they are also saying "Yeah it costs a lot, but compared to what you'll make when you're done, it's really not that much." HA

A pilot training program is one of the most costly in any college due to required FAA flight hour minimums. Weighing the training cost versus the potential career income (it) becomes a small fractional expense.

edit: P.S. It says at the bottom of the page that the information was updated November 12, 2008. After and about the time every company and airline was having mass furloughs