I was up at 2100 on Monday shooting approaches into Willie and Chandler. Man what a show. It looked like another microburst hit the Queen Creek area (again). Neeless to say, we scurried back to the west valley sooner then expected. Funny though, no wind on the west side and ugly as hell on the east.
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I was meeting a KC-135 tanker at AR-647 (south of CGZ). The tanker was in and out of clouds/rain to where you got the "rush" effect of the WX going past the two of you. With NVGs off, you couldn't see when the tanker was going to enter the WX and it takes you by surprise.
Very good potential for Spatial D
The flight ahead of me, I heard this from the fighter on the boom ahead of me...........
Gunhog11: Grizzley (the KC-135), any chance we can roll-out of this turn and AR straight tonight, it's getting a little disconcerting...
Grizzley 21: We're straight and level, sir.
Gunhog11: (somewhat suprised) Ummm, Roger.