Touch and goes at LSZH. UAL.


There is a pervasive theory at my airline (not the one posted) that pulling the power on a 767 any higher than 3 inches off the runway will result in a hard & calamitous touchdown that will open all of the overhead bins. A technique I see used alot is to just be hitting the idle stop as the wheels touchdown. We are also not supposed to deploy the speedbrakes until the nosewheel is down if autospoilers do not work. I could see a scenario where the PF does not get the power all of the way out and the speedbrakes stay stowed, and the little bit of power causes it not to settle and skip along the runway. The PM wont deploy them until the nose wheel is down which isn't going to happen for a while. Then if you initiate a go around after this, especially with PW engines, it takes forever for them to spool up. Could get really spicy on a short runway.

My hill that I will die on is that you can get consistent smoothish landings if you start pulling the power at 20-25 feet and being idle at 5-10 in the 767. I was never a fan of how long some people leave power in on landings when compared to the 757.
Yea that’s not a thing here. You are correct on your technique.
Reminds me of the SWA video in RDU a month or two ago. I had something similar happen in a 76 a few weeks ago. Wasn’t close to this though. I also seen it happen on the 75 before. It’s interesting because usually bounced landings are associated with touching down at a high descent rate. Neither of which I seen was the case.

Can you link the WN RDU video? I apparently missed whatever that was.