Pengy should be going home soon


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to thank everybody to for the positivive messages that were sent to to me.

I am hoping to be be sent home soon, though, the fun part will be walking & getting my strength again!

Just wanted to thank everybody to for the positivive messages that were sent to to me.

I am hoping to be be sent home soon, though, the fun part will be walking & getting my strength again!


What great news. Great to see you back online Mike. :nana2: How are you feeling?
Oh Mike it's great just to see you here again!

So glad you're on the upswing and will be on your way home soon :)

Glad to hear you're on your way back to being online where you belong with all the political threads! ;)

Let us know if theres anything we can do for you brother!

This thread definitely deserves a good :rawk:
Looks like the Pengy we know, love and were sooo worried about is well on the road to a full recovery! :nana2: It's the best news I've heard in a long time. Just remember, Mike, to take it one step at a time and DON'T rush anything. :)