Old School ORD


Staff member
Anyone here old enough flying-wise to remember when ORD had named taxiways, rather than the standard alphanumeric system? Taxiways named Old/New Scenic, Stub, Bridge, Lake Shore, Bypass, Outer/Inner Circular, North-south, etc.
You mean when TCAs were TCAs, ARSAs were ARSAs, TRSAs were TRSAs, men were men, and airlines had scope clauses?
What's wrong with going bald? It works for this guy...


My gal says she needs my hair to grab onto while "taking off"... oh... and the landing area is a firm surface with a BA report of MU 0...

Sorry, I took it there.

Oh and yes, I remember that time. I was 4... with simlogic flight simulator v1.0. I still have the 5 3/4" floppies somewhere. Came with a map of Meigs, O'hare, and Champaign/Urbana. My FS2004 folder is 33.3GB (149,808 files) right now, and that's on the small size as I reformatted last year... FSx doesn't have a place (too many cpu cycles for not enough flying worth).

Oh, and yeah... doug is hell'ah'old.


Caption (or make your own): "In the days when men really flew we used fabric and dope to make our wings... that way if you hit a bird you could wrap it and smoke it... and have lunch," said Doug, designer of Jetcareers.net, to a newly minted CFII from Embry Riddle flight school. She has applied to nine airlines as of yesterday.

Oh and mini-

And Myself...

As they said in "The Incredibles" never capes darling... they just don't work.
No one for the original question? :(

I remember, but never had the chance to fly in there under that system. It changed shortly after I started flying.

At least they still have the "around the world" taxi clearance and "The Penalty Box".

However, you wish you could only get a 2-minute minor. Turns out usually to be a major for instigating.
I remember, but never had the chance to fly in there under that system. It changed shortly after I started flying.

At least they still have the "around the world" taxi clearance and "The Penalty Box".

However, you wish you could only get a 2-minute minor. Turns out usually to be a major for instigating.

The Penalty Box is cool that its still noted as such on the airport diagram.