New HR Rep


New Member
I recently switched facilities and got a new HR rep. Does anyone have W. W. as a rep. I tried to send her an email and keep getting a failure message, maybe Im spelling the name wrong.
omg i'm totally having the same problem! my original HR retired and I was told that Wanda would be her replacement for me. This was a month ago and I have called her at least 3 to 4 times a week and have left her tons of messages, but I still haven't gotten a hold of her. She won't call back so I have no idea what's going on. I have even spoken with Vicki Caves about Wanda and she says that she sits right across from her at work and she is always there. I don't know what the deal is.

I recently switched facilities and got a new HR rep. Does anyone have W.W. as a rep. I tried to send her an email and keep getting a failure message, maybe Im spelling the name wrong.

There's no 'h' in her last name. She's been fairly good about getting back to my emails. What facility are you going to?
I am a little bitter about W.W. myself, but I was just switched from her to another rep. Here is what I can tell you about W.W.

She works from 6am-3pm (OKC time)
She will never return a phone call (I left over 10 msgs with her)
If she responds to your email it will be less then 8 words
The only time she did answer the phone for me I had to *67 the phone number to block the caller ID
She has two assistants that work for her, the careers line can give you their direct # or you could PM me and I will give it to you. But with that said they don't really have any information that they can give out. They can tell you if they have all your clearances, and if they need anything. One of them also was able to look up my facility and verify that it has not yet reached its 09 hiring limit.

I feel your frustration with your new Rep, but she does actually work on your file, she just doesn't tell you about it until she needs something.

good luck
There's no 'h' in her last name. She's been fairly good about getting back to my emails. What facility are you going to?

AHHH that would explain it. I am headed to Denver Tracon D01. I hope Im nearing the end of the process, it started over a year ago now.

HI, all: I had w. w. as my HR but last monday when i wrote an email to her she said that i was transfered to the new HR his name is R. A. , does know anything about this guy? As it was mentioned before w. doesnt provide alot info, I wrote to her several times and her answer was "your waiting on the security clerance". thats it.
I had Mr A also before I was transfered to my new HR rep for my new facility. He was a great HR rep. Also returned emails and answered phone calls and was very helpful.
I've had pretty good interactions with both.

Y'all, please consider just using initials when talking about your HR reps. I'm sure they would appreciate you not broadcasting their name all over the web on one of aviation's most popular websites. People can and will pull their names off and call them up with questions about their applications that they have nothing to do with.
I've had pretty good interactions with both.

Y'all, please consider just using initials when talking about your HR reps. I'm sure they would appreciate you not broadcasting their name all over the web on one of aviation's most popular websites. People can and will pull their names off and call them up with questions about their applications that they have nothing to do with.

:yeahthat:Good call. We don't need our HR reps bogged down any more than they already are. Who knows, big brother may be reading these also!
To be fair, I get the impression that all of the HR reps are extremely overworked. It seems that each rep has several hundred applicants at any given moment and that each of those applicants has a ton of questions about this uncomfortably lengthy application process.

The few times I have gotten a hold of mine, she has been very nice and I got a sense of her workload by the time it took for her to find my paperwork among the mountain of others.
I had Mr A also before I was transfered to my new HR rep for my new facility. He was a great HR rep. Also returned emails and answered phone calls and was very helpful.

Well, I wish I had as much luck as you peoples. I have J. A. as my HR rep, and I would describe my "interaction" with him, if thats what you would call it, as troublesome. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the HR reps have a lot to do, but my contact with him is so short, and seldom, I sometimes wonder if I really have a job to be waiting for. :whatever:

I had called him about three times initially, to make contact, and the phone number I had didn't work. Eventually it did, so I left a message, just once, and did not get a call back. However, I did get a response from emailing him, but all it said was "... still waiting on security." Thats it, and that was about five or six weeks ago. :banghead:

Since then, I have emailed once more, inquiring if there were any further updates, or what the status on things are, feeling as if I were to email or call anymore would be a nuissance to him. I have still not received a response, and feel like I am falling through the cracks.:confused:

So for those of you who do actually speak with and make regular contact with your HR rep..... do you have any tips??? :p
However, I did get a response from emailing him, but all it said was "... still waiting on security." Thats it, and that was about five or six weeks ago. :banghead:

Thats still more than most of us. But I feel the same way, I feel as if they have forgotten about me or im lost in the stack. But I do know that its just a long process and they will get to me.
Well, I wish I had as much luck as you peoples. I have J. A. as my HR rep, and I would describe my "interaction" with him, if thats what you would call it, as troublesome. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the HR reps have a lot to do, but my contact with him is so short, and seldom, I sometimes wonder if I really have a job to be waiting for. :whatever:

I had called him about three times initially, to make contact, and the phone number I had didn't work. Eventually it did, so I left a message, just once, and did not get a call back. However, I did get a response from emailing him, but all it said was "... still waiting on security." Thats it, and that was about five or six weeks ago. :banghead:

Since then, I have emailed once more, inquiring if there were any further updates, or what the status on things are, feeling as if I were to email or call anymore would be a nuissance to him. I have still not received a response, and feel like I am falling through the cracks.:confused:

So for those of you who do actually speak with and make regular contact with your HR rep..... do you have any tips??? :p

I am in same boat as you :banghead: lets hope are clearance come soon
I've had pretty good interactions with both.

Y'all, please consider just using initials when talking about your HR reps. I'm sure they would appreciate you not broadcasting their name all over the web on one of aviation's most popular websites. People can and will pull their names off and call them up with questions about their applications that they have nothing to do with.

Why all the secrecy? This is info you can find on the FAA's website if you look hard enough.
Why all the secrecy? This is info you can find on the FAA's website if you look hard enough.

I didn't find my rep's name anywhere on the site using a Google search on

My guess for the secrecy is because of how many lazy people there are on this forum that wander in and want to directly contact an HR rep to get answers to their questions when they're not even actively in the hiring process. I've seen it on one or two other threads here. Since e-mail address formats for the FAA are super simple, knowing the first and last name of a rep gets you an e-mail address, which gets their inbox flooded with questions from people that are not supposed to be contacting them.
:yeahthat:Good call. We don't need our HR reps bogged down any more than they already are. Who knows, big brother may be reading these also!

Some are. I'm not saying they're taking down names and setting apps on fire, but there've been a number of managers who've mentioned reading through ATC forums. No need to burn bridges before you cross them. Or even scorch them a little, know what I mean?

My guess for the secrecy is because of how many lazy people there are on this forum that wander in and want to directly contact an HR rep to get answers to their questions when they're not even actively in the hiring process. I've seen it on one or two other threads here. Since e-mail address formats for the FAA are super simple, knowing the first and last name of a rep gets you an e-mail address, which gets their inbox flooded with questions from people that are not supposed to be contacting them.

Yes, exactly. Well said.
I didn't find my rep's name anywhere on the site using a Google search on

My guess for the secrecy is because of how many lazy people there are on this forum that wander in and want to directly contact an HR rep to get answers to their questions when they're not even actively in the hiring process. I've seen it on one or two other threads here. Since e-mail address formats for the FAA are super simple, knowing the first and last name of a rep gets you an e-mail address, which gets their inbox flooded with questions from people that are not supposed to be contacting them.

But thats not always the case, for example in Mr. A's email, he used his last and first name plus one edditional letter in the middle.
[modhat]I've just finished editing this entire thread to use the H.R. people's initials instead of full names.

Since none of these people are members of this site, let's refrain from broadcasting their full names on a public website. If someone wants to get the information somewhere else, that's their business, but just as a CYA here, please use initials.

Thank you.[/modhat]