New CFI Gig...


Well-Known Member
Landed a new gig in MD. Excited to start working with them but sad to leave some co-workers behind.
man that what was a short time. Did you work for the people that wanted you to pay your way through?
man that what was a short time. Did you work for the people that wanted you to pay your way through?

Nah man I worked for Av-ED at KOKV and the equipment was solid my boss was a real cool guy and my co-workers were awesome too. It was strickly a monetary change. I just couldn't afford to live on 600 dollars a month. I was there for 3 months and put in just over 30 hours of dual with no students. This other flight school looks much busier and I can only hope this works out otherwise I am going to have to work at Lowes till my lease finishes out.
Darn, sorry to hear that. That is what happened to me back when I was living in Tulsa, but thankfully I was able to get over 300 hours of dual before things ran dry. Good luck with the move.
one things is certain, there is always grass. sometimes brown, sometimes green - it all contributes to hay fever.