Some people wanna work a ton, some not so much. I feel like there is room for both mindsets to not only peacefully coexist, but also be mutually beneficial to one another. Personally I have been enjoying max time off. If there were anything in OT, I'd probably pick stuff up because I don't know what to do with myself anymore when I have time off (like true time off, working no other job). Which is probably a problem. Maybe next month will give me a chance to rediscover what a bunch of actual days off mean, or how to enjoy them. It's been a very very long time, probably since college or even early flight school since I've had a real strings of days off with no strings attached.
Once I start making a little more hourly, I’m totally fine getting guarantee on reserve. I’m 20 minutes from the airport. I’ve played the premium game and made some money, because we have some expenses coming up, but working that hard all the time seems less than ideal.