

Well-Known Member
Hey after going to a neurology center, the doc diagnosed my 'headaches' to be migraines. Does this imply, that i cannot receive a 1st class medical when it comes time to get one? He said, it might be permanent, but might clear up later! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ultimately, it's up to you when it comes to headaches to determine if you're fit to fly. I'm sure there's a couple of perscription medications that might DQ your medical if you're taking them.
Ultimately, it's up to you when it comes to headaches to determine if you're fit to fly. I'm sure there's a couple of perscription medications that might DQ your medical if you're taking them.

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I see, thanks for the help! Im currently on a medicine, i take when i start to get them, but there is no side effects. When i feel em coming on, i pop one, and im good. Dont feel any different, just feel fine. But besides the medicine, having migraines wont prohibit me from getting a 1st class would it?
What medication is it? I just read through Part 67, and I didn't see anything about migraines being an overall DQ, but once again it'll probably be left up to the individual AMEs.
From AOPA's website:
Can I get a medical if I have migraine headaches?

It is possible to obtain a medical certificate if you are not taking any disqualifying medications, the migraines respond to treatment, and they don't occur frequently. The new triptan migraine medications such as sumatriptan (Imitrex) and zolmitriptan (Zomig) are acceptable to the FAA as long as there are no adverse side effects. You will need to provide a report from the treating doctor that describes the frequency and severity of your migraines. If they occur infrequently and are not incapacitating and respond well to medication, the FAA will probably be able to issue you a medical certificate.

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They also have a very complete list of medications and the FAA's typical response for each. If you're not a member of AOPA I'd strongly suggest you spring for a membership. They have a very good medical team that specializes in helping members with these types of issues. Free phone call with very good assistance in how to go about addressing the issue with the FAA and your AME.

Migraines are disqulifying with what they call aura or visual inpairment which a classic Migraine precursor...

From my understanding, if you have evidence from your physician that the migraines are not frequent and controlled well with approved medication then you should be able to get a medical.

I knew of an instructor a few years ago who was diagnosed with the bad kind of migraines (with aura) and lost his medical.

Taken from the FAA websites guide for AME's concerning migraines...

Examiner’s may reissue an airman medical certificate, if the applicant provides the following:

· An Authorization granted by the FAA

· A statement regarding the frequency of headaches and/or other associated symptoms since last followup report

· A statement regarding if the characteristics of the headaches changed

· The name and dosage of medication(s) used for treatment and/or prevention with
comment regarding side effects

The Examiner should defer to the AMCD or Region if:

· The frequency of headaches and/or other symptoms increase since the last followup report

· The applicant is placed on medication(s), such as isometheptene mucate, narcotic analgesic, tramadol, tricyclic-antidepressant medication, etc.

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If you're not a member of AOPA I'd strongly suggest you spring for a membership.

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If you have ANY problems with a medical question, they're really good about either already having the info on the website or getting back to you. If your school uses CATS testing, you save $10, but that just drops it down to Lasergrade prices anyway. The magazine(s) are more or less worth the annual fee. AOPA Pilot is geared more towards owners than students, but Flight Training generally has some descent stuff. IMO both are great assets to CFIs.