Los Angeles PEPC 04/20/2009


New Member
I just figured I might as well start a new thread since we were denied the right to take over the old Los Angeles pepc thread...
We should have a big BBQ or something. I'm so excited.

As with last weeks PEPC I volunteer to be den mother to those in need of directions, those pulling out their hair...or generally stranded persons.

I'll have to talk to my hubby, but I'm sure we could probably host some folks here or at least set up a car pool situation. On a clear day we live about 20 min from LAX.

ner nernre nreerenrnenrenrnenr nenr nerne rernner

uuuuh.. huh.. huhuhu..
just out of curiousity.... has anyone gotten an actual interview time? I know that my interview is on wed the 22nd but that's all I know.:mad:
I got the confirmation email (Monday, April 20th), then I called and asked for my time (8:00 am). I'm still waiting for that confirmation though.

Is anyone else going to be at the LA PEPC on the 20th?
I went to the LA PEPC in January and if people are wondering the address to make lodging arrangements its
1500 Aviation Blvd.
Lawndale, CA 90261
It was very lax. Don't get there too early otherwise you will have to sit and wait by the securtiy stand until your start time. The security guy outside told me there was a cafeteria to hang out in inside the building, but once I got in there they told me I just had to sit and wait.

On a side note, there is no reason to stress out about the PEPC. Everyone there is extremely friendly and helpful. Whatever issue you have, the will do what they can to accomodate it. Seriously, it is more like a "let's get you hired" clinic than it is an interview and screening process.
Yesterday I called the person that sent me my PEPC email about a month ago. I asked her if I should be worried about not receiving an interview time yet. She said no, we are sending the interview email times in about a week. Please post when you receive an email with your date and time thanks:rawk:
I went to the LA PEPC in January and if people are wondering the address to make lodging arrangements its
15000 Aviation Blvd.
Lawndale, CA 90261

The Springhill Suites is where I stayed, along with all the medical people. It's about a 4 minute walk to the building and there are restaurants (Chipotle, McDonalds, Carl's Jr.) within walking distance in the opposite direction as well.

It's about a $20 cab fare each way(Edit: This is from LAX w/tip), so you might be better off renting a car if you want to go sight-see.

If you have any questions about the area, I will do my best to answer them.