Los Angeles PEPC 04/20/2009

Just wanted to drop in and tell you guys good luck! The staff in LA was wonderful when I went. If you're looking for a place to stay that's close-by, I'd recommend the Springhill Suites by Mariott. It's about a 3 minute walk to the Federal Building where you'll be doing your PEPC and the hotel is very nice.
This is the response i got today via email

Hello Nicholas, it looks like you have done all you need to do as far as E-Qip is concerned. Our security department has everything they need from you at this point. Good luck in LA.

I work for TSA so maybe my clearance is already good?
I think your clearance will carry over. I actually had a woman from DC call and ask if I work for a government contractor. When i told her I did and had a clearance she told me they wouldn't need to do another background investigation. I still got the E-QIP e-mail though. When I accessed E-QIP it was already filled out with all my info.

Maybe thats what they are talking about in your case.
I finally called my hr rep and she informed me that I was good to go. My previous faa clearance was good enough. :nana2:
anyone wanna let me borrow their car tuesday-saturday? i wont take it out of LA, i promise! and ill wash it and refill gas!

just had to put it out there ...
anyone wanna let me borrow their car tuesday-saturday? i wont take it out of LA, i promise! and ill wash it and refill gas!

just had to put it out there ...

Wow...anyone stupid enough to let you borrow their car who does not know you (heck even if they did know you) need to have their head checked. If you get into an accident, even if it were NOT your fault, that persons rates would double or triple. They also run the risk of being dropped from their insurance carrier all together.
Wow...anyone stupid enough to let you borrow their car who does not know you (heck even if they did know you) need to have their head checked. If you get into an accident, even if it were NOT your fault, that persons rates would double or triple. They also run the risk of being dropped from their insurance carrier all together.

You sound pretty bitter...did this happen to you? lol
Wow...anyone stupid enough to let you borrow their car who does not know you (heck even if they did know you) need to have their head checked. If you get into an accident, even if it were NOT your fault, that persons rates would double or triple. They also run the risk of being dropped from their insurance carrier all together.

ok ... it was a joke. im renting a car. cool down now
As if you guys and gals headed to LA need it;


But really there is not a damn thing to worry about, the interview is very melow, MMPI sucks but is not a problem (just remember you love your mother, don't think about killing yourself, and don't have any problems with lumps in your throat) physical is what it is, not a problem, don't forget to study for your drug test though.

Have fun
had fun at the pepc and met a couple of you. also we had a guy in a tshirt and jeans. now the wait for fol's
i told him "prety ballsy of you to wear jeans and a tshirt"
you must be military atc and he said ya
so he still got a tol