Los Angeles PEPC 04/20/2009

Well even though my husband didn't make 3/4 selections...you're still welcome to stay at Chateau a la WoH.

PM me.
Cool. Thanks for the update I was starting to wonder. They must also send the e-qip along with that?

You won't necessarily get those e-mails at the same time. You'll actually probably get e-mails from multiple people as the forms are sent to you, and then you'll get the eQIP e-mail at least 2 weeks before the PEPC date.
I received my email to confirm my interview time for the pepc on friday afternoon!!!:D 10am 4/22/2009.
well we knew what you meant....we were just being smart asses with semantics :rolleyes: <----smart ass smiley
Hey guys, the LA PEPC in April, this is for PUBNAT 3/4 correct? I'm curious where 5/6 will be? Any takers?
I got the E-QIP thing earlier this week. I already have a government clearance so it wasn't too hard to fill out. I got a call from the FAA security division in DC to let me know they wouldn't be doing another background investigation on me, but I filled out the E-QIP just to be on the safe side.
my guy told me kc in may. this was awhile ago and stuff could have changed tho

Don't mean to hijack the thread... just clarifying that you heard the PEPC for 5/6 would be in May in Kansas City. That would be awesome. Seems fast as our panels are being held at the end of this month.