Freight Dog Career

That's pretty cool, I got ENFP and it seems pretty dead on. Flying in a non-crew environment would likely be very boring for me during cruise, and that seems to match my personality type. I used to want to fly freight after working airline customer service, but I now know I found all those clueless pax and the operational drama entertaining more than annoying. To each their own. :)
Glad u liked it. That site had my personality along with other family members nailed to the T.
Glad u liked it. That site had my personality along with other family members nailed to the T.

As personality-tests go, Meyers-Briggs seems less like hocus-pocus than the rest of them, for sure (and Jung is almost undeniably less full of poop than most of his, eh, "colleagues"). Still and all, narrowing all of human possibility in to 16 groups is still a bit of a square peg in a round hole, imho. (INTP, btw)
I don't think there really is such a thing as a freight dawg career unless you've made it into the ACMI world. Or I guess C-130/C-5/etc pilots could be considered freight dawgs and they have proper careers as well.
I don't think there really is such a thing as a freight dawg career unless you've made it into the ACMI world. Or I guess C-130/C-5/etc pilots could be considered freight dawgs and they have proper careers as well.
How about some just going the single engine route? Besides maybe Alaska, I think the Feeder is decent career. You could also CFI or do other stuff on the
weekends. I remember reading your "day in the life" blog about flying for a feeder. I found it entertaining. it would be nice if you could do more.
How about some just going the single engine route? Besides maybe Alaska, I think the Feeder is decent career. You could also CFI or do other stuff on the
weekends. I remember reading your "day in the life" blog about flying for a feeder. I found it entertaining. it would be nice if you could do more.

I advise you not to do that. If anything, just get your time and get out. Caravan time isn't very portable/useful elsewhere.
How about some just going the single engine route? Besides maybe Alaska, I think the Feeder is decent career. You could also CFI or do other stuff on the
weekends. I remember reading your "day in the life" blog about flying for a feeder. I found it entertaining. it would be nice if you could do more.
Caravan FedEx feeders are nice compared to UPS feeders, the salary starts OK but it hardly ever moves up from there. Maybe 1k/yr. Take you 20 years to end up making 60k/yr.
As personality-tests go, Meyers-Briggs seems less like hocus-pocus than the rest of them, for sure (and Jung is almost undeniably less full of poop than most of his, eh, "colleagues"). Still and all, narrowing all of human possibility in to 16 groups is still a bit of a square peg in a round hole, imho. (INTP, btw)

I'd agree if it was a rigid 16 boxes. It's acknowledged that there are flavors and degrees within the 16 main groups.
As personality-tests go, Meyers-Briggs seems less like hocus-pocus than the rest of them, for sure (and Jung is almost undeniably less full of poop than most of his, eh, "colleagues"). Still and all, narrowing all of human possibility in to 16 groups is still a bit of a square peg in a round hole, imho. (INTP, btw)

I feel like I just wasted three minutes of my life... INTP as well,whatever the hell that means.
I feel like I just wasted three minutes of my life... INTP as well,whatever the hell that means.
I scored 49/50 on the wik test. More intelligent than 99.9% than anyone that's ever been employed by the NFL/Compass/Delta if you even want to come close to using such a thing seriously. I'll be the first one to tell you right now that ALL of that stuff is crap! :)
Do aerial survey for a season, when you get close to 1000 tt apply to PlaneSense. Crewed PC12 flying and with the income range you're looking for along with a set schedule (8/6). You'd have to live in New England or near Atlanta or Orlando, but they may add bases near DC one day and/or they have dabbled in remote based pilots. They treat pilots better than you're average 91/135 op.
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What the hell does this even mean, this doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me... Any psychologists in the group?

Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(75%) Feeling(25%) Judging(33%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)
  • You have distinct preference of Intuition over Sensing (75%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)
As personality-tests go, Meyers-Briggs seems less like hocus-pocus than the rest of them, for sure (and Jung is almost undeniably less full of poop than most of his, eh, "colleagues"). Still and all, narrowing all of human possibility in to 16 groups is still a bit of a square peg in a round hole, imho. (INTP, btw)
To be honest the only thing I really think about when people talk about Jung is this.

What the hell does this even mean, this doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me... Any psychologists in the group?
I can call you, and talk about something specific to prime you and make you have vastly different results. So take it for what it's worth... At best your mood or thoughts at this moment.