Filing a report


Well-Known Member
I have a question. I think HEF has a couple of the worst controllers to ever work on a radio. I was in the Coast Guard for 4 years, one of my jobs was handling radio communications between ship to shore for the coordination of rescue missions, so 99% of the time, I talk on the radios in the airplane like a pro. Short, sweet, polite and to the point. Well in Manassas, we have got a serious problem with a few of the tower controllers. From yelling at student pilots on the radio when calling ground for a taxi, to completely loosing their cool when there are 4 planes inbound to land. Just the other day we were told to "GET OUT!!" by the controller. When asked what "Get out" means, he replied just stay away from the airport!! The guy had 3 planes in the pattern and completely lost his cool. He even admitted over the radio that he didn't even know what was going on his airspace.

He yelled at me once because I requested a taxi to remain in the pattern so I could get a few landings in with my student before his checkride. He flipped out because 2, yes 2, airplanes were already in the pattern and he had 2 more guys inbound for a full stop. He can't even handle more then 4 planes in the air.

I had a student call to get a taxi and our ADIZ squawk code. Well, my student calls and says "Manassas Tower XXXXX, at the XXX ramp with Echo, ready to copy ADIZ clearance". Well, you can't take off or land without a squawk, and you can't be in the ADIZ without talking to someone, so essentially you need permission to enter and exit the ADIZ, even just to take off out of here. Well instead of being polite about it, the tower guy gets on the radio and screams at my student "How many times do I have to tell you guys, its not a clearance its a squawk code!! Squawk 4553!" Well this time I got on the radio and told the controller I would appreciate it if he did not YELL at my students, they are learning how to talk on the radios and I would appreciate some professionalism from the Tower. He replies incredibly rude to taxi and I was pissed!!! Yell at me, big deal, I'll give ya some crap back if its uncalled for. Yell at my student, and I get really angry. My students are trying to learn, occasionally they WILL screw up a radio call. But they will never learn if I always take the radios for them.

We here at the flight school are TIRED of this controller and would like to know if there is a way to report him to the FAA for being unprofessional and at times, very unsafe. He had 3 airplanes cleared to land on the same runway and got everything mixed up and started freaking out on the radio. Almost had a mid air because of it and the aircraft in the sky had to move all over the place to prevent a mid air because the controller freaked on the frequency. Its ridiculous, but even more so, its dangerous.
This is just a guess, but a simple call to the tower supervisor (or a letter from the school) might get them to pull the tapes and give him a...performance review.
this sort of stuff is what NASA forms are good for too - not just screw ups on the pilots part but things you feel unsafe about.

Get everyone there to fill out NASA forms, from the instructors down to every student that has an issue with this controller. That should bring some attention to the airport.
Is there a specific question buried in there?

Remember, it's "ask a..." not "tell a..."
I think he's asking who to file a report with about the controller so he can get the guy some training or taken out of his position so nobody gets killed.
I can't stand that. If a pilot legitimately messes up, there is nothing wrong with being stern about it. However, if it's a student or something harmless, it's ridiculous to jump into someone's tail. As if the student isn't nervous enough, let's throw some yelling controller at them.

First thing you need to do is tell the guy, on the frequency, that you want the tapes marked. Every single time he gets nasty or there's a situation that you think is unsafe, tell him on the frequency, "Tower, mark the tapes for me please. I want to talk to the Tower Manager when I land." That's all you need to say. You need to start a trail of complaints. Griping about it in the FBO doesn't change anything. Stand your ground, but do not get into it with him on the frequency. You'll lose on some level. Just tell him 'mark the tapes' and make a note about the time you requested it. You need to have something when you go talk to the Tower Manager. Every single time it happens, you need to follow up with the manager. If you don't have the number for the tower, the FBO will have it. Get done flying, debrief, call the Chief. Easy. After the third or fourth sitdown with the Tower Manager, things should start to change slowly. If they don't, your next step will be going to FSDO. Option B is to start taking the complaints in a formal manner to the airport manager's office. If you can do it from the school, that will carry a lot of weight. Always want to keep the tenants happy.

Best of luck to you. This has always been a huge pet peeve of mine. Totally uncalled for. Totally unprofessional. However, it happens more often than it should.
Man, I have been thinking about this for days now. I need to get a hobby apparently! This is such a pet peeve of mine.

Out of the 3 previous facilities I worked at, two of them had guys just like the guy you mentioned. Always yelling at people for minor stuff. Degrading people on the freq, etc, etc And, it is always the most dangerous, lazy, incompetent controllers. Professional controllers don't need to do that. They can control whatever situation without losing their heads. I have a hundred stories about things they've said on the radio, usually right after they put two planes in the same spot and just about the same time! Absolutely should not happen. Absolutely.

Above all, be cool about it. Do not get into it on the frequency with the controller. I've seen it happen and it gets turned around into 'you were clogging the frequency when he was trying to work.' If you really need to, and it's not busy, switch over to clearance delivery or ground. Never do it on Tower Freq. Best is to call it in to the Chief though.

Again, good luck with this one!
Airdale who do u fly for? I got my PPL out of DAI.

I definitly know what you mean tho. I have flown in and out of HEF many times and it doesnt sound like they have changed much.

...Oh and I worked for AvAd over the summer.
Oops, forgot to put the question in there!! Sorry.

I just wanted to know what to do about this situation, and daveatc, thanks a LOT for the great reply. We will definitely try that route! Funny thing is, I'm leaving HEF today to work up in Jersey!

I work for ATP, and I've had this controller yell at my students more then once. I actually told him on the frequency to show some respect to the students and he replied that he doesn't have time to let students practice on the radio. I replied "Big deal" and he just kept on being rude. Best part was later on in the day we were coming back in and he politely asked us to throw in the localizer freq. and check the glide slope - we denied. We were too busy at the time.