DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolution


Poodle Wrangler
This website was created by an ATL based Delta guy. We are supporting bringing Compass's airplane's and pilots into mainline. We need all the support we can get...this website is very informative and is being finalized. I'm cosponsoring this legislation at the March 13th LEC meeting. If any of the SJ guys are in support of this and can't make it on the 13th, please let me know and I will get you a proxy vote. If have any questions on this subject..post it on here or PM me!

Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

Why not comabine all the WO...For example, comair.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

How's this gonna go over with the ASA and Comair guys? NWA comes in with Compass and they all get Delta #'s and the Delta wholly owned guys don't?
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

Comair operates the smaller "jets"

And. . .Compass pilots met the same hiring standards as NWA pilots, so Delta pilots thus feel that Compass pilots are more fit to be brought under the mainline Delta banner than any other wholly-owned. . .

And of course. . .Comair didn't accept any of the furloughed Delta guys years ago. . .bad blood in the system. No love, whatever.

Anyway - there is much more and it's best I hold my tongue on this little endeavor. Good luck to all involved.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

CPZ is already represented by the DAL MEC. They are part of Former NWA Council 1 at MSP.

Their pilots have already interviewed for NWA and have rights to I believe it's 20% of the newhire slots at all newhire classes without an interview (they have already been hired by NWA). If we were to furlough, we have flowdown rights to 100% of their seats.

Comair and Mesaba are very different animals in this regard...they are wholly owned but very separate as well. CPZ is basically NWA-lite (Delta-lite now).

See the difference?
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

We are at a point where scope has to be brought back to mainline... outsourcing has long since gone too far. This would be a fantastic first step in the process.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

Isn't this kind of after the fact? It is my understanding that Compass was formed under an agreement with NWA mgt. and NWA ALPA to have a place to put any pilots displaced by planned DC-9 fleet reductions. Isn't the "no-caveat" Compass-NWA(DAL) flow-up agreement still in place?
I would have rather seen these 175s on mainline's property in the first place, but I don't think that was the original concept in forming Compass and purchasing Mesaba in the first place. Essentially, NWA negotiated a form of "B-scale" with the formation of Compass and Mesaba operating 36-jet fleets of E-175s and CRJ-900s respectively.
I think that if I was a COMAIR pilot I'd not be too happy, and DAL mainline guys weren't willing to allow a change in scope or a flow-up type agreement. So, I guess that was a non-starter for the COMAIR guys allowing DAL guys to flowback. Historically speaking these flow-up/down agreements have been a disaster. Delta mainline (without the benefit of hindsight) really screwed the pooch by establishing scope instead of demanding that COMAIR's original CRJ-100s (1992) be placed on their certificate. BAD move, but no one knew what the state of the industry would be 17 years down the road.
What is to stop managment from selling off Compass to another operator (Mesa, Go-Jets, 'cough' Pinnacle/Colgan or some other bottom-feeder? The union cannot prevent a business decision to sell the company, but I am not familiar enough with clauses in the contract to say how a sale of Compass would effect their ability to keep those 175s off the DAL certificate.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu


Compass was a concession in 1113c bankruptcy negotiations at NWA. Their agreement is grandfathered into Delta which is very watertight.

As I said earlier, Comair is more or less comparing apples to oranges. There is no flow agreement whatsoever at Comair and actually a tremendous amount of bad blood due to the treatment of their senior pilots in regards to the possible seniority list integration back in the day, and additionally their treatment to the Delta furloughees. On the other hand, Delta pilots own all seats at compass in the event of furloughs.

In regards to Compass being sold if, they cannot be sold off. If mgmt does go that route, there are extremely severe rammifications... a lesson learned from Mid-Atlantic.

This step is a first of many in regaining scope which was given up many years ago.

There would actually be a cost savings to the company by folding CPZ into mainline as well.. you would be getting rid of redundant mgmt departments and training departments along with all the other outsourcing expenditures.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

So regardless if this were to pass or not. Compass seats are 100% DAL Furloughs if they happen? Thus the pilots at Compass would be foolish to not want this to happen. At the days end if DAL furloughs they lose their jobs. However if they agree and you can pass this, they get furloughed and have a mainline seniority number later on?
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

So regardless if this were to pass or not. Compass seats are 100% DAL Furloughs if they happen? Thus the pilots at Compass would be foolish to not want this to happen. At the days end if DAL furloughs they lose their jobs. However if they agree and you can pass this, they get furloughed and have a mainline seniority number later on?

Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

I'm sure the Compass pilots are ALL in favor of this....
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

They are... they have their on legislation counterpart to ours proposing the same thing from their end.

And meyers, you are correct.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

Denny, I think this is a great idea. The resolution isn't really written in a true resolution format, though, so you'll probably want to rewrite that. I can help with that and get it into standardized ALPA format if you'd like. Let me know.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

The current format is more a of a plain english format...and as such much easier to read and comprehend.

It would be a good idea to get it in the standard unionese, though.

xtopgun41x@yahoo.com be the email.... I'll get you in the loop. Modifications are still being made and we've got some support from in house.... any help is more than appreciated. I'm not too privy to the unionese writing and typically wait for the cliff notes on most resolutions. :)
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

We are at a point where scope has to be brought back to mainline... outsourcing has long since gone too far. This would be a fantastic first step in the process.

This...is how to bring flying back to mainline. Not arguing on internet forums about how RJ drivers are stealing jobs. Good job D!
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

I have a feeling you guys are going to get burned with this. Here is why and please by all means correct me if I am wrong. I just don't want to be at the regionals for my whole career. If you bring 36 more "mainline" aircraft on board, doesnt delta now have the ability to add 3 76 seat jets to regionals for every 1 mainline jet that is added? So then Delta adds about 90 more CRJ 900's to the regionals, parks the DC 9's furloughs pilots now with no furlough protection because of the "economy" and becuase Compass is gone. Now, the rest of us who weren't "lucky enough" to take a risk and go to compass will be stuck at our regionals even longer. Its not that I don't give you credit for trying but why don't you take all the 76 seat jets back, are you too good to fly the crj 900? Why not take comairs planes or mesaba's planes and add them to your list? Hell, I will personally fly one of Pinnacle's 900's to you and rip the operated by pinnacle off the side and piss on it if you will put us on your list :banghead:
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

I have a feeling you guys are going to get burned with this. Here is why and please by all means correct me if I am wrong. I just don't want to be at the regionals for my whole career. If you bring 36 more "mainline" aircraft on board, doesnt delta now have the ability to add 3 76 seat jets to regionals for every 1 mainline jet that is added? So then Delta adds about 90 more CRJ 900's to the regionals, parks the DC 9's furloughs pilots now with no furlough protection because of the "economy" and becuase Compass is gone.

That is a real good point. When it comes time for "Speaker's Corner" during the LEC meeting I will bring that up. Perhaps it has already been thought of and addressed. Wrangling scope back would obviously take care of it.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

Wasn't there "no furlough" language in the deal DAL pilots signed prior to the merger? I guess this is one way to get around that if Compass is merged. Wouldn't this end-up like the 190s at Airways (pay wise--better than $0 though)? Hopefully it doesn't come to that. What would this do for the Shuttle America planes flying in DAL colors? Would they have to go away?

Regardless of the outcome, I hope Compass does well. After Skyway was closed down, a bunch of folks from D52 went there. Many others found jobs with other carriers, but got on board just before the music stopped and the furloughs started.

The only good thing about 2008 is that it's over.
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

I am trying to figure out how Republic will fit into this? 36 175s at mainline (Compass'), and 17 175s owned by RAH flying at the regional level? Whats going to prevent Anderson from selling the 36 Compass planes to Bedford once they get stapled?
Re: DAL- let's bring Compass to mainline..website and resolu

I am trying to figure out how Republic will fit into this? 36 175s at mainline (Compass'), and 17 175s owned by RAH flying at the regional level? Whats going to prevent Anderson from selling the 36 Compass planes to Bedford once they get stapled?

If mainline shrinks, they have to take seats out at the regional level.