CRJ familiarization courses


Well-Known Member
Anyone know where one can go for a fam course on the Crj? Not a type rating, a fam course. Pan am?
There are some of us who, for practical purposes, will never fly an airliner - but would pay for the chance to fly a sim. I've thought about doing that 737 familiarization course down in Houston just for fun.
There are some of us who, for practical purposes, will never fly an airliner - but would pay for the chance to fly a sim. I've thought about doing that 737 familiarization course down in Houston just for fun.

Didn't United do something like this back in the 90's? You got to come in and play airline pilot for the day and tool around in the sim. I thought it was good P.R., but since 9/11, companies may be a little nervous about this sort of thing.
Didn't United do something like this back in the 90's? You got to come in and play airline pilot for the day and tool around in the sim. I thought it was good P.R., but since 9/11, companies may be a little nervous about this sort of thing.

Not just the companies, but now TSA has rules in place that make those programs even harder.

Murdoughnut said:
There are some of us who, for practical purposes, will never fly an airliner - but would pay for the chance to fly a sim. I've thought about doing that 737 familiarization course down in Houston just for fun.

True, and I even looked into that one before I flew for the airlines. But, if I'm not mistaken, the OP already flies a CRJ.
You wouldn't beleive me if I told you.

Seriously. If it had anything to do with you gaining free money, then I would use that money to get a life time supply of beef jerky or something because it would be totally wasted on a CRJ fam course. If you can't pass CRJ training, the barbie jet, you probably shouldn't be near an airplane to begin with.
Maybe it's for some kind of tax deduction? You can write off the costs of all your trainng. Personally I'd probably go for CE-500 or LR-JET rating. Those are more expesnive than yoru basic familiarization course though.
Seriously. If it had anything to do with you gaining free money, then I would use that money to get a life time supply of beef jerky or something because it would be totally wasted on a CRJ fam course. If you can't pass CRJ training, the barbie jet, you probably shouldn't be near an airplane to begin with.

LOL...I could be wrong, but I believe he is already a Captain on the RJ at Skywest. Must be a very interesting reason for wanting the course.:rolleyes:
One of our emb fo's has been a pilot for us for 10 years. He never flies, owns a biz where he makes 50-100k/month. He approached me for a course like this because it's up or out at our company. He wants to make sure he doesn't fail and knows the plane before he goes straight to the left seat.
One of our emb fo's has been a pilot for us for 10 years. He never flies, owns a biz where he makes 50-100k/month. He approached me for a course like this because it's up or out at our company. He wants to make sure he doesn't fail and knows the plane before he goes straight to the left seat.

Honestly, I'd charge him a VERY modest fee and just give him overview myself. Heck, if he lived close to me, I'd do it for a few hundred and beer. Even use company manuals and everything. :)
I wouldn't do that, there's a reason all the company materials are locked up when non-company personnel use the simulators.

Tell that to JetU.

I wouldn't do any of the SSI stuff, but then again, that stuff isn't in the sim building either.