Best of fun... ON THE GROUND.


New Member
Hey all, check out my new toy...

YZ250F 03', bought used, but it's only 3 months old.

Dude what city do you live in? I think I recognize that street.

Neat Bike - now be careful on it. No X games style riding on your first day out.
Wow, thats nuts! I am right by that redhill public elementry school, about a mile and a half from Foothill High School, if that's more help.
You live really close to me!! I am up Arroyo just past Foothill. If you want to go to TMP and grab In N Out (maybe Ed, and/or F16flyer can come too) one day this week let me know. Do you go to FHS?
Back in early 90's when internet was getting popular and AOL was the internet, I was surfing a chat room and ended up talking to a neighbor that lived one block away from me. Now consider how big the world is, and it ended up they lived down the block!

Another time I was at work, and a nice lady who worked in the restuarant told me her son was also into flying, when I finally met him, it ended up we surfed the same website.(jetcareers) And the previous night(the day before I met him), I had responded to one of his comments.
That was about 3 years ago, right Iain?
I'm just behind the Orange Mall, off of Tustin Ave. If you know that street, it's the one that if you go back the other way, you'll be looking right at St. Pauls Church.
I was wrong (although now I see it, I had a friend who lived in that direction). I was guessing you lived between the 55, and Newport along Fairhaven and Santa Clara.
Neat Bike - now be careful on it. No X games style riding on your first day out.

Hehe, you betcha. Eh, we all just go out to the desert, we really do ride much track.

(Oh, I go to Villa Park High School by the way)
If you want to go to TMP and grab In N Out

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Oh, JetCareers why do you torment me?!?!??!

When I was out west for vacation I had to get In N Out. My friend introduced it to me in Vegas when we flew out for a softball tourney. Unfortunately, they do not exist in any way, shape, form or fashion in Florida....
Unfortunately, they do not exist in any way, shape, form or fashion in Florida....

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I've never seen one this side of the Mississippi even. Are they just a west coast thing?
I've never seen one this side of the Mississippi even. Are they just a west coast thing?

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Ahh .. but you DO have Steak and Shake, right?
