Any current Empire pilots here?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I am looking to pick the brain of someone currently at Empire. I searched, and most of the information is one+ year old.

I am considering taking what some would consider a lateral at best, maybe a backward step on the career ladder in an effort to improve quality of life. I did a brief stint hauling boxes a few years ago, so I know the lifestyle, just looking for some information on actual take home checks, and how their seniority system works. PMs are great, or if you care to share here then that works as well.

Bit confused as well, but I'll be watching too. I'd like to work there, and I check their site occasionally to see if their PHX base has any openings.
I'm confused also. All the empire crews I've meet are great folks. And have the best schedule in cargo feeder ops IMO.
Maybe he thought eagle?
As far as my understanding goes, those guys start out at $33K a year, benefits etc... Layovers last between 4 - 8hrs a day. Weekends off I presume, although I will tell you that as a pilot, working for FedEX vs working for UPS can be quite profound sometimes. All of the empire guys I've met seem happy, and like their jobs. Only the ones with aspirations of more engines seem to be looking elsewhere.
Most of the empire guys I met in the course of doing the same thing they do, for less money, are either over the 121 age limit or left 121 other reasons. None of them were young, like you would find at a UPS feeder.
I always thought the purple feeders paid about the same. We start at 36k + the usual benefits. Most routes are Mon. afternoon thru Sat. morning.

I can't say I have a large number of young pilots but the ones I do have came from aerial imagery or flight instruction at large schools. I also have had those same pilots that leave for bigger and better things and that's to be expected.

I had the chance to meet the Empire CP at the last safety conference in MEM. I think he's a great guy and I wouldn't mind working for him.

Also, just wanted to add that I have flown cargo for UPS and the difference is night and day. Touch the cargo? Haha, yeah right! TKS, G600, G530, G430, working autopilot, radar in every airplane.
What about the ATR flying at empire, I see they have captain positions on there site? How is the QOL and schedule for those?
^I thought I was being hijacked the first time the Fed Ex loaders jumped into the airplane to unload the cargo at an outstation. What a concept!

I've seen that lol.

Beat a fedex feeder by 15 mins because I got retractable gear and two engines. But by the time I'm done unloading we both walk into the FBO about the same time.

Hahahaha my excuse... I likes the workout :p
What about the ATR flying at empire, I see they have captain positions on there site? How is the QOL and schedule for those?

Usually 5 days a week of flying. If you live in base the QOL is good. I was going to say if you dont, etc... but it's almost impossible to commute to the fedex schedules. It's also important to know that when they hire street captains they require 100 hours in the left seat so once you get your 100 hours, you will end up in the right seat more often than not. If you're looking to get turbine PIC it can take an awful long time with short runs and sitting right seat quite a bit...