AirNet update?

Does anyone have any info on how the sale of the call center to MNX will effect Airnet? Some say good move some say bad. I see a lot of parked barons and sold off call center so are they retooling for something new or slowly selling it off?
Does anyone have any info on how the sale of the call center to MNX will effect Airnet? Some say good move some say bad. I see a lot of parked barons and sold off call center so are they retooling for something new or slowly selling it off?
They are trying new stuff. I guess they are trying a special hazmat thing and they own little delivery service, but it just isn't working. They didn't make the change to ups/dhl/fedex and are getting screwed as the banks go digital. As far as I can see they are at the mercy of the banks.
Does anyone have any info on how the sale of the call center to MNX will effect Airnet? Some say good move some say bad. I see a lot of parked barons and sold off call center so are they retooling for something new or slowly selling it off?
You mean besides 20+ year Airnet employees shown the door? No nothing.
I currently work for Flight Express out of Saint Paul. In the Midwest area, at least in OMA, things seem rocky at AirNet. Most likely because of Bayside's decisions I'm sure. There's about 2-3 'net guys there and every week, it's different people and they all don't seem very happy. One guy has been there for 8 years and I suppose that given that time frame, he used to be on the lear and is now flying the Baron. Perhapse to rack up multi PIC time to get out.

Because my line is contracted to us from Airnet, I do see a little of how things work over there, at least with their dispatch. One thing I've noticed is that it takes them FOREVER to make a decision. I'm talking hours to make a decision. I've had two nights in the month and a half being here where I couldn't do the flight as planned, and have been stuck where ever I diverted to for the day as it would have messed up my duty off time to fly back to STP, which messes up the duty on time and entire schedule the next night. Now, all of this could be the customer instead...

I'm sure the 210 is much cheaper to operate and the way I understand it, we do operate the Barons cheaper as well. I'm not convinced of the reliability of having a 210 on these lines though. The 210 is just slow enough where any kind of mouse fart delay really messes up the entire night. I think most of what you're seeing with Airnet/FLX is Bayside trying out FLX on some of these lines to see if they work and if not, handing it back to Airnet. Seems to be an attempt to stop the bleeding at Airnet.

This is all subjective, being based on observation. If you want another subjective observation as to what's wrong with AirNet at the moment. Take a look at their head quarters. Here and most other part 135 companies I've seen have some office space rented in a hanger or use a trailer. Visiting airnet is like walking into a fortune 500 company and they have a VP/director of everything. That kind of overhead destroys profits.

I know nothing specific other than FLX has taken over and will continue to take over more and more Airnet runs. The only other thing I'll add is that FLX is out of 210s. That part of the fleet is completely maxed out. No one's selling any and there isn't another airplane that does what the 210 does. So we're now using Barons as backup airplanes at the new bases and therefore, dual certifying new hires and anyone that moves to the new bases.
AirNet was large enough 10 years ago that their management structure worked. This situation pains me honestly because even though I've long since parted ways with AirNet, I know how personally invested company employees are to its success. While there are outstanding people working at almost every company, I haven't seen that amount of collective dedication/personal ownership at any other place I've worked for, and I'm only familiar with one other company that I could relate it to (Airborne). Unfortunately the people I'm thinking of when I make a statement like that are almost all gone. The front line employees are the reason the company has managed to continue operations this far. Very unfortunately we all know how the Abex story turned out.

They are trying new stuff. I guess they are trying a special hazmat thing and they own little delivery service, but it just isn't working. They didn't make the change to ups/dhl/fedex and are getting screwed as the banks go digital. As far as I can see they are at the mercy of the banks.
AirNet is currently at the mercy of Bayside. Not making that transition when it was still possible was an epic miscalculation, but some were very interested in taking the company public and sailing off into the horizon rather than fighting for its longevity.
Very unfortunately we all know how the Abex story turned out.
I obviously don't know the full story on Abex, but just seeing Abex, Astar, and some others get screwed over would make me think twice about going to a 49% DHL owned company.
One thing I've noticed is that it takes them FOREVER to make a decision. I'm talking hours to make a decision. I've had two nights in the month and a half being here where I couldn't do the flight as planned, and have been stuck where ever I diverted to for the day as it would have messed up my duty off time to fly back to STP, which messes up the duty on time and entire schedule the next night. Now, all of this could be the customer instead...

The customer that funds your run is notoriously slow with making decisions on what to do with their work. The customer gets a call that says "we cant get the work there on time because of ____" and at that point, it is their call with what happens next (which can take quite some time). Often their delay causes a complete CF for the rest of the day/week.
One thing I've noticed is that it takes them FOREVER to make a decision. I'm talking hours to make a decision. I've had two nights in the month and a half being here where I couldn't do the flight as planned, and have been stuck where ever I diverted to for the day as it would have messed up my duty off time to fly back to STP, which messes up the duty on time and entire schedule the next night. Now, all of this could be the customer instead...

I can vouch for the forever to make a decision part. I have nights where my return work is not coming, they know it, they let their ground couriers know, but won't release me to go home. As you say, hours to make a decision.
The customer that funds your run is notoriously slow with making decisions on what to do with their work. The customer gets a call that says "we cant get the work there on time because of ____" and at that point, it is their call with what happens next (which can take quite some time). Often their delay causes a complete CF for the rest of the day/week.

Haha, CF indeed! Luckily the 2 times it's happened there were insane winds aloft to get me back to STP quickly with minimal damage.
More importantly, do they have reciprocal agreements? Cass is just the identification system right?