AirNet update?

That's my understanding. If someone closer in can show that I'm wrong, I'd be glad to hear it.

Just because you work for someone with deep pockets doesn't mean you have access to the full depth.
Yeah for sure. Not trying to troll. I thought that the customers were willing to pay a fair price for the service.
Yeah for sure. Not trying to troll. I thought that the customers were willing to pay a fair price for the service.

Even banks are cutting costs. With the Check 21 law and a reduction in the amount of work, there's less demand; prices drop.

At the same time, fuel is up. I don't know all the details. I'm a pilot and they don't show me the books (nor do I work for Airnet even if they were showing the books), but hauling checks isn't the business it used to be.
So What's new? Why is it all you frieght dogs are so tight lipped about everything?
So What's new? Why is it all you frieght dogs are so tight lipped about everything?
Not sure what you mean. Most freight dogs are apart of a tight knit segment of aviation. Most on here will tell you whatever you want to know. It takes a lot of commitment to do this kind of thing and if you can't make the effort to ready 20 posts then you might as well move along.
Not sure what you mean. Most freight dogs are apart of a tight knit segment of aviation. Most on here will tell you whatever you want to know. It takes a lot of commitment to do this kind of thing and if you can't make the effort to ready 20 posts then you might as well move along.
I know...if I don't see free type rating or boobs after the first couple lines, I usually lose interest...readings hard and I've got to prioritize!
From what I have seen the company is nothing that it used to be however still a great place to work with good people, get good training and learn a ton. Its anyones guess where the company is headed or how long it would take to get to a lear.
See, from what I gather, it was a great place to work, but now not so much. Maybe consider the alternatives in the industry like AmFlight or even Key Lime instead. It also seems like the company is in a slow graveyard spiral and you'll never get to fly the lear. YMMV.
I'm willing to bet all these "new" runs for flight express runs are a direct result of Airnet's demise.
I'm willing to bet all these "new" runs for flight express runs are a direct result of Airnet's demise.
Maurus At a certain midwest base that I'm familiar with I've seen some of these new runs come from Airnet. But another run is actual growth and another used to be farmed out by airnet to a third party but now is farmed out to FLX.
Maurus At a certain midwest base that I'm familiar with I've seen some of these new runs come from Airnet. But another run is actual growth and another used to be farmed out by airnet to a third party but now is farmed out to FLX.
Would that farmed out run be that MU-2? Quite the downgrade if it was.