
I do like salad!

Yeah Jefe, I had nothing to do with this most recent taunt of yours.

If you don't appreciate and/or can't compete with language, and you'd like, I have many more skills than "mere" words. Please advise.
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Navy Wife Strong you are! Thank you for your service, Jordan!
Don't know much about wives and benes...


I'd just like to ensure that everyone who took "an oath" to "protect and defend" understands that it is to the Constitution of the United States that they swore their oath.

Furthermore, I'd just kinda sorta like to ensure that all those folks who raised their hands and spoke those words had actually READ THE CONSTITUTION before swearing their oath to protect and defend it.

This stuff is getting to be a lot like voting. "Naturalized" citizens (you know, foreigners) know far more about how "murica is 'sposed to work than most "natural born 'Muricans"...
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Lol, you guys know you’re either getting trolled hard or some kid is posting from his basement having fun, right?

Based on that, I’m going to assume you all enjoy the counter-trolling as much as the OP enjoys their trolling.