A330 lust

She's pretty:


What's funny is that my only indication if I'm on a -300 or a -200, so far, is that there are center fuel pumps.
They get A350s in 2016. Although an odd looking nose, its a pretty sweet looking airplane.

IMO the A330 plays second fiddle in terms of aesthetics to the old school A330. But they're both beautiful planes. I'll easily agree with you about the A350 nose though. It's in desperate need of some rhinoplasty!

I'll beat @mikecweb and say #A.NET
Ummmm... what about size? 300 is a lot bigger than the 200!

Again @mikecweb #A.NET

The -300 is significantly largely than the -200 but I still can't tell.

I haven't really flown the -200 that much. But I will say that I realy haven't flown either with many free seats, it's been jam-packed.

@Mike Lewis did wave from his deck a couple days ago!
What do you mean by qualify?

Maybe understand might be a better word. I mean this in no harsh way, but your post in this thread come off sounding like a high school kid a.net kid who's maybe just starting flying. Or still aspiring to start training. So just trying to make sure. is all.
I think I've flown a -200 there times in the last month 'n a half.
Maybe understand might be a better word. I mean this in no harsh way, but your post in this thread come off sounding like a high school kid a.net kid who's maybe just starting flying. Or still aspiring to start training. So just trying to make sure. is all.
I started a conversation with you, you can asks all the questions you want there
The -300 is significantly largely than the -200 but I still can't tell.

No harm or foul. I've just noticed that before one starts flying professionally there's that wonder, you notice EVERYTHING.
Like you can hear a plane flying overhead and not look up and know what kind of plane it might be and what engine it's mated too.

But as a professional pilot you might not even hear the plane flying overhead, or care to look up.
It's like once you get that brass ring it's like. "I don't know." (sometimes I don't care).
"Boss man say fly the plane out safe, land it and fly it back. I do it. I go home."

Maybe because it's still a passion, but it's also become a bit of just a job/career thing also.

Only non-pilots. Prospective pilots in training. Spectators and the a.net crowd seem to really sweat all the details. Lol!
I'll bite. What is that under the nose?
I'll copy and paste from wiki, I understand this to be correct:
To overcome the standard A330's nose-down body angle on the ground, the A330F uses a revised nose undercarriage layout to provide a level deck during cargo loading. The normal A330-200 undercarriage is used, but its attachment points are lower in the fuselage, thus requiring a distinctive blister fairing on the nose to accommodate the retracted nose gear.