University Of Wisconsin Platteville


Aeronautics Geek

So, I just got accepted into UWisc Platteville online. Probably should have asked first, but it seems to be the only online program that offers a MS Engineering online that jives with my schedule, and a descent course list.

Now, that being said, does anyone know anyone that went to school here. Heard anything about it, hired a graduate. Like/dislike, etc?

So far I haven't heard anything bad. It's accredited, but ABET undergraduate accredited, not masters. The consensus is that ABET accrediation is only important really for when you're working independent and need to get a license. So long as it's accredited is the big thing.

Anyone know anything else? Thanks!
One of my friends/former roommates transferred from und to there for cj and he really liked it

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I grew up about 45 minutes from Platteville. It's a respectable state school. Not as highly respected as, say Madison (for Sciences or Business) or Whitewater (Business specific), but a good school regardless. Platteville was a leader in distance education all the way back in the 80's-90's. I actually enrolled in their distance Business Admin program in my early 20's when I was very undecided about my career path, but then withdrew as I quickly realized it wasn't for me at that time. My brother started his Engineering degree at Platteville but then transfered to the University of Idaho Moscow to finish... that was a long time back though.
Thank you rframe, I've heard only good things so far, and it's a tight field for distance MS Engineering. Purdue is the other one, at much higher cost and strict schedule. The schedule killed that option. So far though, seems like graduates are making it to Boeing, Northrop, Lockheed, etc with no problem. So I got classes starting January.