

New Member
Hey all,
So when I registered for the 90-day program I was told I'd receive a voucher for uniforms since they'll be required starting Jan. 1. Well, my pile 'o books has arrived without said voucher and wondering if any of you enrolled for Jan. had heard about this and received your voucher? Any recommendations on where to order from? What are we supposed to buy? (Reckon it's just shirt and pants, no epaulettes, right?)
Same here. I just got home and my books were sitting at the door. James did ask me what size shirt i wear, but I didn't recieve the shirt with the books. I guess it will come later. I haven't heard anything else about uniforms though. I'm starting Jan. 9 in Atlanta. What location will you be at?

Oh, Jim was going to send you the shirt? Weird, he told me I'd get a voucher and would have to order. Hmm...
I'm starting on Jan. 30 in Manassas. Might bump into you during the cross-country phase!
UND_Flyer said:
What? ATP requires Uniforms now? What ever happened to the white ATP polo shirts?

I'm not sure. All they told me is I would get a white ATP polo shirt.

I'll keep an eye out for you mark!
I'm guessing they ran out of shirts, so they gave you a voucher. The polo shirts aren't really uniforms, you don't even have to wear them if you don't want to.
My understanding is that the Polo shirts are to be worn during the XC and check-rides.
UND_Flyer said:
I'm guessing they ran out of shirts, so they gave you a voucher. The polo shirts aren't really uniforms, you don't even have to wear them if you don't want to.

No, I'm positive Jim (or James... get them confused!) said that effective Jan. 1 uniforms (black trousers, white pilot shirts) were compulsory. They offer a voucher to order online and students, obviously, provide black shoes.
And I was looking forward to being casual for a few months... :(
I guess they could make it better by mandating that a young FA be on board at all times...:nana2:
I like uniforms. I wish my local flight school had them. They just look cool. I mean what pilot does not get excited the first time he puts that uniform? I mean it is almost like the first time one takes control of an airplane. I cannot wait to wear a uniform. Did anyone get excited the first time they put on a uniform? Maybe I am just wierd
Dallas... July 3rd... 101 degrees... 95% humidity... 125 degrees in the cockpit of a light twin on the tarmac with no AC and very little ventilation... Shorts and tees... priceless...

Phoenix... July 15th... 112 degrees... "Yeah but it's a dry heat" comments don't really help... 135 degrees in the cockpit of a light twin on the tarmac with no AC and very little ventilation... Shorts and tees... priceless...

Uniforms... are they serious? There is no formal classroom/groundschool environment... I'd like to hear their rationale behind this before I give any more opinion... but... uniforms aren't even required at regional/major ground schools.


Trust me.......Enjoy the Polo and slacks while it lasts because at some point in the uni is required. Besides, it looks pretty gay stepping out of a Seminole or a 172 in a full blown pilot uniform after doing a couple hours of steep turns and stalls.

Big Smoke Dawg
Yes, I do suppose I must agree that it looks odd stepping out of a C172 with a full uniform on. But still I cannot wait to wear a uniform. I guess that will get old when I get asked, "Are you a real life pilot?" I think I will just say, "No I am an imaginary pilot. I do not even know how to fly." I think it was Doug who mentioned people asking such questions. They said somthing perhaps like, "Are you the pilot?" I think he said somthing like, "No, but this uniform looks nice doesn't it?"
:sarcasm: OOOOO man, once I saw the title of this I had to go here. Come on, who doesn't want a cool uniform, kingairer told me once that he gets all the ladies with his 2 stripe shirt.....lol.....sorry I had to .:sarcasm:
The days of the Polo at ATP are comming to end with the end of 2005.. Glad I got out of there before it happened.. :D
Methinks this is simply paving the way for another price increase. Since they'll now look like FSA/PAIFA/DCA, why not charge FSA/PAIFA/DCA prices?
I think the students will wear ties and 'letts..

The instructors will wear Khaki pants and a Polo from what I hear...