turbine helo for less than 40K!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think this is an excelent time builder specially with how expensive the flight hour is in a helicopter and even more if its turbine....to bad they only sit one. Other than that, the performance numers are really good for what you pay.. and all that for less than 40k..... Not bad at all...
I remember reading reports of some students at Silver State getting loans for as much as 70-80k!! and the end what.. you end up with barely 250 hrs... wich mostlikely non were turbine and were thrown out there by yourself..
With that kind of investment I think it would be safe to say that you could get one of this small helos, build your 250+hrs TURBINE time, and still be short of those 70-80k you would pay otherwise..

Whatcha think? is this something reasonable? or too crazy of an idea?


There is also another type ¨The Mospquito¨ flying around 30K USD.. (plus engine if you want the turbine version)

Adrian Bg
You have to build it yourself, and the price for the kit may not include everything.

Actually on their website, they break down the price of the Entire kit and it adds up to almost 40k.. With everything included..
In the video, one of the guys said he bought his already constructed for less than 40k... so.. Either way its not a bad option for an entry level fun helicopter....
I mean, this little bird makes owning a Helo not so imposible after all...
Vs Getting a Bell 206 or even the Robinsons...