That is called an Explosive Trace Detection system. It is set up to test for like a million different things ranging from Nitroglycerin, TNT, PETN, RDX, Gasoline, all the way to stuff like drugs and perfume. If it goes off on your bag, don't expect to make your flight!
Basically they are supposed to swab the bag or whatever item it is six times on handles and places that you normally would touch it. If the guy is an [expletive deleted] or idiot he will swab the rollers on the bag or the bottoms of your feet/shoes. 9 times out of 10 you will have a positive reading at that point because you most likely walked on a road or something where trace particles of gasoline stuck to your feet/bag rollers.
The funny thing about this machine and most others that the TSA uses is that the people using them don't know how to operate them as they should. I ended up explaing how they work to the dumb ass ex-military guys and blonds that got the leadership positions.
Judging from all of your replies, it seems that the honeymoon is over with the TSA. Up till a few months ago most people said "give them some time, they are new... etc, etc" Now most people are saying "Geez these guys are incompetant morons".
From what I can see here in DEN, all the highly educated and higher qualified/paid workers that were hired last September are gone. All that is left are the same idiots that were there before the TSA arrived (wackenhut, argenbright...etc) The only real difference is that they are just being paid even less now, but they have that same juicy turd in a nice new uniform with the US flag on it.
TSA = Tards Searching Around
One more thing that will make some of you neat freaks FREAK OUT!
They use the same swab all day till it goes off. If it doesnt alarm then that same swab that was wiped on the inside of that slobs shoe in front of you will be wiped on your toothbrush case, laptop keys or whatever it is they decide to wipe on while you watch.
Can you imagine how funky that carpet is around the security checkpoints....ewwwwwwwwww
I'm out!