To Old to Start Now?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm going to be starting a degree program at Auburn using my GI Bill in September, but I wanted to ask a question before I go too crazy. I'm guessing it would be at least 3 years before is have enough time/ratings to apply for the commuters. I'm 36 now, making me 39 when I finally have my commercial. Is that too old to start thinking about this career change? Will the commuters take a guy who's scaring the hell out of 40 years old?

That was supposed to be "Too old…" Apparently I suck at posting with an iPhone. :(

In AL? Or CA?

My wife is still in the military and has to go to Maxwell, so I applied for Auburn and got accepted.
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If you're committed to the career and have the GI bill, I wouldn't worry about who is hiring what right now. Stick with it and see where you are after you graduate. I'm feeling like you'll have a lot of options.
If you're committed to the career and have the GI bill, I wouldn't worry about who is hiring what right now. Stick with it and see where you are after you graduate. I'm feeling like you'll have a lot of options.

Thanks man! I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully, my bachelor's degree, and military service will help me land a job, once I have my ratings. Now I just gotta pass the FAA physical, which might be an issue. Got some vertebrae fused about a year ago... :ooh:
That was supposed to be "Too old…" Apparently I suck at posting with an iPhone. :(

