the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thread

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Do you have a link to the numbers? I can't find one specifically for the regional security office. Thanks.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

check out this post. when you call, ask about your clearances. they will tell you that you are cleared medically, then ask about security. they should transfer you to another person who will tell you about your security clearance.

p.s.~ wouldn't it be nice if the HR reps would give you info like this. guess it's not worth their time.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yeah, Cboy, our rep didn't even notify us of our switch! :)

I just got the official "All clear" two days ago, but for some reason they're having problems GETTING that "all clear" to my HR rep... seriously, they SNAIL MAIL IT!!!

So, I'm just waiting on a date, hopefully before 5pm today or sometime next week....

Or not....


*Edit* - The central region medical office has been nothing but helpful, I should add. They've been the best group in this process.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

There was a comment made about this earlier by I think boomer sooner. But these H.R. people got a lot going on so you need to politely pester them so your foremost on their mind (to get a date/put you in a class) I think they just filled the last classes for march so if you don't get one soon you could be into the end of april or may. I would send at least 1 or 2 polite emails every week to your hr. person just asking any new news? They never answered my phone calls so I think email works the best.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

April? MAY? Man, I didn't look, but you must be one of those "terminal" people... all snooty up there with your towers and your Spring class dates... :D

I'm looking at June 22, I believe. If she told me May 8, I'd probably do a cartwheel, or something to that tune. Cboy, you got May 8, right??

*Edit* Nevermind.. you're Salt Lake Center... I think I saw you at the PEPC. :D
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yes sir, I am here May 8th (3 of us are down here checking out the area, and scouting out rental areas). The May 8th day is full. I'm sorry to share the bad news for you. When I called, she had 3 spots left for May. I was one of them, and I called my buddy, and he referred his brother. The next date that Charlene told me of ,back in January, was June 22nd. Not sure what will happen. Good luck with everything!
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Wow I guess they're really filling the dates up fast. I wonder how much of it just depends on the back log of people at your facility. Best of luck to all. I guess we have all already waited approx. 8 months so another few won't kill us.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Wow I guess they're really filling the dates up fast. I wonder how much of it just depends on the back log of people at your facility. Best of luck to all. I guess we have all already waited approx. 8 months so another few won't kill us.

I believe Pubnat 2 closed May 02, 2008... so it's closing in on a year from start to academy.. plus a little more :)

When you stop and consider that's a decent fraction of one's life expectancy, it hits home. People have been sentenced to shorter terms in PRISON!
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr


*Edit* - The central region medical office has been nothing but helpful, I should add. They've been the best group in this process.

Translation.... I know you at the central region medical office may be trolling the board. Please don't lose my stuff on purpose. I don't want to be here as long as boomersooner.:D
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Hey wyopoke thats a pretty good summary are you a writer/editor :) So just for the record I guess I didn't realize how fast they had filled things up but as you noticed I am headed to ZLC and I've been told I am actually a pretty easy going,fun guy to be around definately not Snooty or have to be pretty calm/easygoing to be a flight instructor otherwise you would probably lose all your hair and die of fright :)
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yes sir, I am here May 8th (3 of us are down here checking out the area, and scouting out rental areas). The May 8th day is full. I'm sorry to share the bad news for you. When I called, she had 3 spots left for May. I was one of them, and I called my buddy, and he referred his brother. The next date that Charlene told me of ,back in January, was June 22nd. Not sure what will happen. Good luck with everything!

It may be that each region gets so many slots per class date. I called my HR rep today and got a May 8th class date. Thank goodness I won't have to wait until June, this has gone on long enough!!
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yeah I thought about that, and it would be AWESOME. I'd seriously do a cartwheel if I got May 8.

Wypoke: You hit the nail on the head, bro.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Got a hold of Charlene this morning. She told me I have a class date of July 10 (was selected for MCI en-route). I don't know how long I would have waited if I hadn't called and set up a date over the phone. She said I could not receive my FOL until after I retake my drug test (which I shouldn't do for a couple months so it does not expire before my class starts). Nonetheless, I finally have a class date.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Translation.... I know you at the central region medical office may be trolling the board. Please don't lose my stuff on purpose. I don't want to be here as long as boomersooner.:D

My HR rep still hasn't received my medical clearance. It was "sent" over a week ago...

This will be the third time I've tried to track it down :)

July 10?? You're ZKC? Human beings only live for so long....
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

sounds like bad news for scong. that means may 8 and june 22 are full now.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I am under the impression that terminal basics classes have not been firmly set after 3/31. Everything until then is booked solid.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

She told me on the phone this morning that May 8 and June 22 were full. July 10 is next in line.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yeah I'm still getting the run-around from both ends... looks like I'm stuck till July, then. Seriously getting impatient here :)