the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thread

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

TRACON still has a flight data position, and then the rest are divided into sectors. It still takes a little while to get checked out... at least according to a friend in a level 12 tracon. Sorry I dont have more specific info but maybe ATL TRACON can elaborate...

The second-level supervisor I spoke with on the phone from D21 said a CTI grad went through the Academy, got to the facility and was fully checked out in about 18 months, so I'm realistically expecting to be a CPC by the end of 2 years at the latest.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Just got off the phone with HR, my class date changed from July 10 to April 15 (going to KC en-route). This is freaking awesome. Only 2 months now until I start. It seems to be a lot more of a reality now than some distant dream.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Also April 15, anyone else ZKC gonna be classmates with us?? Cboy?
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

i wish. can't say that i have been overly happy with HR. congrats on the date. we will be down there a few weeks later.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

i wish. can't say that i have been overly happy with HR. congrats on the date. we will be down there a few weeks later.

Maybe today my hr rep will answer the phone. I swear she unplugs it right before i call.:panic:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

just the one


yo, did i tell you that 10 people in my class have to re-take the third block test? we have a pretty dumb 6 stupid people, then 4 new ones..
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr


yo, did i tell you that 10 people in my class have to re-take the third block test? we have a pretty dumb 6 stupid people, then 4 new ones..
nice. we had 10 retake that test too. 3 people for block 2 and i think 5 for block 1.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Now these tests you guys are talking about, is this during basics? If so, i have a buddy who just finished OKC (and we have same education background---bachelors degree, Air Force schools, etc...) and told me basics was a breeze, and that he never had to does that mean that these people are really dumb? Isn't basics, pretty much an overview of aviation?:banghead:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Now these tests you guys are talking about, is this during basics? If so, i have a buddy who just finished OKC (and we have same education background---bachelors degree, Air Force schools, etc...) and told me basics was a breeze, and that he never had to does that mean that these people are really dumb? Isn't basics, pretty much an overview of aviation?:banghead:

yeah, its more like Aviation Basics and not ATC Basics. i dont have backround in Aviation (i do know stuff, but from my own searching the internet and stuff), and i think basics is really easy. you have four 30 question block tests, and a 100 question final test. they want you to get above a 90 on the block tests or you have to retake them. so you can only miss 3. the 10 people in my class missed between 4-7 questions. you can get under a 90 on every block test and retake, and still pass the final (only need above a 70) easilly. the block tests dont really count. they only want you above a 90 on each of them so that way when the final comes around you pass easily. the instructors told us that they wont fail you from basics no matter what. so you can get under a 90 on all block tests and retakes, and fail the final, and they will still move you on to phase 2 of training....

but with your backround im sure you will breeze through. im sure MOST people on Jetcareers will.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

*Ahem* Are we talking like -- GENERAL aviation like "Aircraft XYZ descends from 28k to 16k over 25nm at a speed of 220Kts, here is a calculator dummy, what is his rate of descent, and, oh - what kind of aircraft is he flying (picture)," or,

"Please describe the proper procedure for talking a passenger down to a landing, mid-Atlantic, in a 747 with quadruple engine failure, cabin depressurization and a major short in the avionics?"

A bit extreme, but, you get the idea?
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

*Ahem* Are we talking like -- GENERAL aviation like "Aircraft XYZ descends from 28k to 16k over 25nm at a speed of 220Kts, here is a calculator dummy, what is his rate of descent, and, oh - what kind of aircraft is he flying (picture)," or,

"Please describe the proper procedure for talking a passenger down to a landing, mid-Atlantic, in a 747 with quadruple engine failure, cabin depressurization and a major short in the avionics?"

A bit extreme, but, you get the idea?
The first one, but with less math
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Please describe the proper procedure for talking a passenger down to a landing, mid-Atlantic, in a 747 with quadruple engine failure, cabin depressurization and a major short in the avionics?"

A bit extreme, but, you get the idea?

Thats simple. Place your head between your legs and...well, you get the idea..
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

that's actually kinda scary to think that people aren't taking their jobs very seriously, and also embarrassing to think that they're just hiring anyone. I almost feel like i'm going back in the service, where anyone and everyone gets in, it just depends if they let you work on the plane, or are guarding the plane, lol!!!!! Sorry to anyone who was an MP:laff:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

not even that difficult. stuff similar to 9th grade algebra.

lol...its test had 1 math question on it. here it is......

A plane is traveling at a True Airspeed of 400kts, and has a 30kt headwind. how far will he travel in 2 hours 30 minutes?

A.) 1,000nm
B.) 1,075nm
C.) 925nm
D.) 1,000sm

Anyone know the answer??? (not you Nathan..haha)
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

lol...its test had 1 math question on it. here it is......

A plane is traveling at a True Airspeed of 400kts, and has a 30kt headwind. how far will he travel in 2 hours 30 minutes?

A.) 1,000nm
B.) 1,075nm
C.) 925nm
D.) 1,000sm

Anyone know the answer??? (not you Nathan..haha)
Piper Cheyenne!