the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thread

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yeah I'm still getting the run-around from both ends... looks like I'm stuck till July, then. Seriously getting impatient here :)

I actually.....don't get the hiring process... its so messed up. You would think that we could get through this faster.....

:banghead: at least we know we have a job..... some of those poor souls in Pub3,4, HI, AK.....are waiting on an email that may never come.....:mad:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I was one of the Kansas City PEPC attendees on 11/18/08. I was asked by BR on 12/16/08 if I could make a June 8th class date, and immediately replied yes if that's what she had to offer. Three days later on 12/19/08, she notified me that the Academy did some scheduling adjustments and asked if I could still make a July 1st date. So for the time being, I hope the date doesn't change again because I'm looking forward to going in July.

I noticed on the Academy website that there is a separate course number listed for Terminal Basics versus TRACON Basics. If the facility on my TOL is Detroit TRACON, I wonder if I attend one or both. I have a few months to figure it out!
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I started this process at age 24... in a few more short months, I'll be 26.. Cmon FOL, beat that 31st freeze date.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

You guys sound like your staying pretty positive which is good. The tough thing for me is when you don't know for sure when your going you can't make permanent plans. And now that I do know when, now its tying up any loose ends for quitting my current job without burning any bridges. I guess I should be use to the waiting, the hurry up and wait rule applies to pretty much anything in aviation I have found out. Keep your heads up~!:)
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

hey panther im going to the may 14th tracon basics...on your fol did it only list basics then intro to radar because that just seems really short???
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

hey panther im going to the may 14th tracon basics...on your fol did it only list basics then intro to radar because that just seems really short???

I haven't received an FOL yet and won't until I re-take the drug test (6-month expiration policy between PEPC in 11/08 and class date in 7/09). I wish I knew. As far as I know, the folks at HR and the powers that be that handle the scheduling of classes have my name in a list for a particular class date, and I was told that it's pretty much assured that I'll get that date. They just skip one less hurdle by waiting to formally issue the FOL until after the drug test re-take so there's no need to re-issue it a second time. But I'm just as in the dark as the rest of us...except maybe Boomer or Bippo lol.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

HR Rep just shot me April 15... don't ask me, I have noooo idea. All I know is I'm ready to do that cartwheel :)
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

So... the Operations Manager from the facility I'm assigned to sent myself and two other individuals a "Welcome" style email with instructions on what to expect on the first day of work and how to get through parking and security, etc. What I found interesting was the tentative report to duty date of 08/19/09. Since I still need to re-take the whiz quiz and haven't received an actual FOL yet, I'm still going off of an email from my HR rep to expect 07/01/09 as a TRACON Basics class date. That's 5 straight weeks, and 2 weeks later, I'm expected to be at my facility.

Is there a 2-week course that terminal applicants take at the Academy after Basics before reporting for duty, or am I being given a 2-week break to move and get settled?

I am aware that Terminal folks don't go to the Academy for 3 straight months like the enrouters, because our typical path is Basics, then get checked out on some Tower positions at your actual facility, then report back to OKC for radar training, then back home to get checked out in the Radar Room.

As always, any and all fruitful and obnoxious input is appreciated. -Panther
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

What's the range of PEPC to OKC dates looking like right now? If someone could give me a quick summary that would be awesome, so I don't have to scroll through 9 pages in this thread.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

What's the range of PEPC to OKC dates looking like right now? If someone could give me a quick summary that would be awesome, so I don't have to scroll through 9 pages in this thread.
Time to update that signature honu!!!

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

What's the range of PEPC to OKC dates looking like right now? If someone could give me a quick summary that would be awesome, so I don't have to scroll through 9 pages in this thread.

As far as I can tell most of the kansas city PEPCers have received dates starting in January and I have seen them as late as JULY. I think that all the dates are filled up through at least may and most of june.
Good luck
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

As far as I can tell most of the kansas city PEPCers have received dates starting in January and I have seen them as late as JULY. I think that all the dates are filled up through at least may and most of june.
Good luck

New York guys that I went to the PEPC with (Bipop) are already in Oklahoma, and have been since January. Central region rep said that she had dates filling in August now for the same PEPC. I'm going in April.

So, anywhere from 2 - 9+ months.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

So... the Operations Manager from the facility I'm assigned to sent myself and two other individuals a "Welcome" style email with instructions on what to expect on the first day of work and how to get through parking and security, etc. What I found interesting was the tentative report to duty date of 08/19/09. Since I still need to re-take the whiz quiz and haven't received an actual FOL yet, I'm still going off of an email from my HR rep to expect 07/01/09 as a TRACON Basics class date. That's 5 straight weeks, and 2 weeks later, I'm expected to be at my facility.

Is there a 2-week course that terminal applicants take at the Academy after Basics before reporting for duty, or am I being given a 2-week break to move and get settled?

I am aware that Terminal folks don't go to the Academy for 3 straight months like the enrouters, because our typical path is Basics, then get checked out on some Tower positions at your actual facility, then report back to OKC for radar training, then back home to get checked out in the Radar Room.

As always, any and all fruitful and obnoxious input is appreciated. -Panther

So I figured it out, and wanted to share it in case someone else runs into the same inquisitive snag. I found out that while Detroit ATCT/TRACON is technically an "up/down" because the TRACON radar room is physically located underneath the tower cab facility, they treat them as completely separate entities. So, since my TOL said D21 and not DTW, I am being hired strictly and solely for TRACON, no tower position checkouts for me.

So my FAA Academy progression will look like Air Traffic Basics for 5 weeks followed by Radar Training for approximately 12 days and a 1-2 day period to move to Detroit, then report for duty. So the 7-week period that I had questioned make sense now. If anyone happens to find out that they have been selected for a TRACON-only position, this will apparently be the path that they'd follow. Two months of training in OKC versus three or more.

Does anybody know how the payscale upgrades would work as a developmental in a TRACON-only setting? There wouldn't be any Flight Data, Ground, Clearance Delivery, or Local positions. Just Approach and Departure in their different altitudes and sectors I imagine. So the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of checked out positions seems a little different than the terminal cab environment.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Just a heads up my FOL says 25 class days for basics then immediately start intro to radar for 9 class days, but yank and bank is in okc now and said it should be 25 days for each so i guess we will find out how long????
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

so i dont have to read through this entire thread.......

How long from PEPC to References recieving the "survey"

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr


So I figured it out, and wanted to share it in case someone else runs into the same inquisitive snag. I found out that while Detroit ATCT/TRACON is technically an "up/down" because the TRACON radar room is physically located underneath the tower cab facility, they treat them as completely separate entities. So, since my TOL said D21 and not DTW, I am being hired strictly and solely for TRACON, no tower position checkouts for me.

So my FAA Academy progression will look like Air Traffic Basics for 5 weeks followed by Radar Training for approximately 12 days and a 1-2 day period to move to Detroit, then report for duty. So the 7-week period that I had questioned make sense now. If anyone happens to find out that they have been selected for a TRACON-only position, this will apparently be the path that they'd follow. Two months of training in OKC versus three or more.

Does anybody know how the payscale upgrades would work as a developmental in a TRACON-only setting? There wouldn't be any Flight Data, Ground, Clearance Delivery, or Local positions. Just Approach and Departure in their different altitudes and sectors I imagine. So the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of checked out positions seems a little different than the terminal cab environment.

TRACON still has a flight data position, and then the rest are divided into sectors. It still takes a little while to get checked out... at least according to a friend in a level 12 tracon. Sorry I dont have more specific info but maybe ATL TRACON can elaborate...