Sucky Eagle news update for the week

Tim will probably fully lose his mind and people will wonder, "What was he STILL doing flying passengers?"

Ahh...It would be just as bad if he was flying freight, too. I don't think Capt Osborn had lost it to the point where he would have tried to crash the jet. But at least there were other people on the plane to help out the sane F/O. Not so had it been a two crew freighter.
Ahh...It would be just as bad if he was flying freight, too. I don't think Capt Osborn had lost it to the point where he would have tried to crash the jet. But at least there were other people on the plane to help out the sane F/O. Not so had it been a two crew freighter.
Auburn Calloway comes to mind, may he die badly.

Calloway was close to getting canned for being a compulsive liar as well.
Well it really is not affecting my life. I am not losing any sleep over it. However, every time His name comes up, I will make sure his story lives on.
Put aside his defamation of those who defend our freedoms.
Put aside the embarrassment he has created for my company.

The guy is nuts. Plain and simple. Pathological Liar. He is a danger to himself and to the people he flies.

As for ALPA - Absolutely. I am sure it is something they hope will go away eventually. The right thing to do is not allow him to fly part 121.

As for me, yep I took the LTLOA. We had our second poop factory last month and this seemed the perfect opportunity to spend more time at home and make more money as well. I currently have around 800 under me so I think I was pretty furlough safe, but who knows at this point.
It has been an awesome time at my dream job so far. I am sure I will return.
The guy is nuts. Plain and simple. Pathological Liar. He is a danger to himself and to the people he flies.
I would have to agree based on experiences of my own. I knew a guy that lied about almost everything in his life. He had multiple lies going at once that lasted for years. Eventually he tried to commit suicide. The interesting thing is that he made a lie to try and cover up the suicide attempt as something else. Of course with the suicide attempt everyone he had been lying to had all been put into a room and when one string was pulled his ball of lies unraveled.

The sad this is that after some professional help he lied again to friends and family and ended up with five or six counts of fraud when he wrote bad checks from his fiance.

If Tim Martins is anything like the guy I knew, events could unfold again in a different way that could involve lives.
Did he go on to create the "Jump to Conclusions" board game?
I still wonder why Eagle limited the number of LOAs and then furloughed. Who knows how many pilots actually put in a request for a LOA that was denied.
when will the vac/dis bid post?? Will they offer another round of LTLOA?? I have some corporate options that are biting on my resume for more pay and a 1 year commitment, I am jonesing for the option.
Any word if they are going after FOs who took that RJ class and jumped ship? I've heard both yes and no.

Friend of mine in that boat has not heard anything... yet. Though then again, I just realized many of them are still on the list as furloughed and have not "officially" quit. The kicker will be to see what happens if/when they get called back.
Once furloughed you are released from the contract. It's ludicrous for a company to hold a contract over your head after letting you go. A furlough just means they will call you before hiring someone else with some extras on the side. In a nutshell, I believe that contract is void after a furlough. Future recalls shouldn't matter.*

*May want to consult with a lawyer, but I've seen the contract and it is 2 very basic pages. The wording, IIRC, is something like, "If you are fired for no reason." I highly doubt the company could hold that puny thing up in court after furloughing you.