In my 1000hrs in the right seat of an SJI 737, I've gone full "raw data" only a handful of times...and all those Capt's came from the same background as myself. Guys from the MIL are less inclinded to do that..."Woah now, I don't know how safe that is?!" I'm averaging more than double the handflying time as compared to the rest of the fleet, with around 21 mins of handflying time per leg.
With upgrade looming, I fully intend to allow my FO's handfly as much as they can (with respects to workload and their own skills), how else are they supposed to get better at it? I found in my time in the training dept, if you have your FO handfly and tell you want they want from the MCP, they figure out quicker how to manpulate the MCP on their own. Gets that grey matter working and exercising.
Actually, if I ever get a trip with
@roundout , that might be a "Why don't you try handflying the entire way to LAX today, it'll be good for you".