Buddy start?
It goes like this....
You get a "buddy" DC-9. Can be running the APU...or just running. Connect the pneumatic hose from the pneumatic port on one DC-9 to the other. Apply bleed air. Start. Done. Laugh politely at 100th innuendo laced joke from the CA about this process.
Or, you can just roll the first DC-9 down a hill and let the clutch out.
As for powerbacks...they go like this:
1) Wait for rampers to show up to give you the spinning finger.
2) Point out that rampers have no safety goggles.
3) Wait 5 minutes while rampers go find safety goggles.
4) Ramper finally gives you the finger, the stars align and you actually have the required wing walkers.
5) Start both engines.
6) Roll forward a bit to "get off the flat spots"
7) Set 1.4 EPR ("1.4 feet on the floor"). Remind self to keep away from the brakes.
8) Much sound and fury, and a vortex of sand, crap and debris swirl around the airplane.
9) FINALLY start creeping backwards at a clam's pace. Remind self to keep away from the brakes.
10) Pray that the ramper is paying attention, and not direcrting you into a culvert, ditch or other immovable object.
11) When enough groundhogs have been deafened by the sound and fury from #7, GENTLY come out of reverse and use a touch of thrust to stop. Remind self to keep away from the brakes.
12) Observe, with some satisfaction, that the fuel you just burned could have powered a tug until the heat death of the universe.
13) Proceed onwards to a life of religious fulfillment.
Note: All of the above are done with hand signals.
The 727 version of this was similar, except:
5a) Remember to remind the FE to turn the packs off
8a) Much more sound and fury.
9a) Backwards movement is 1/10 of a clam's pace.
11a) Remember to remind the FE turn backs back on.