Something new, even though its old......


Staff member
Out flying the other day, and while penetrating for a HI-VOR IAP, ATC requested "XX12, Squawk Low, present code". I hadn't heard that since the mid-80s, and even then only once in my career.
It was more common in the "olden days" to reduce clutter and ring around such as in holding patterns and near the "main bang." I don't think the newer transponders even have a low setting, so your chances of hearing it again are getting slimmer.
I dunno, there are so many buttons and switches on my IFF that I don't ever use that I have no idea what they do :)
It was more common in the "olden days" to reduce clutter and ring around such as in holding patterns and near the "main bang." I don't think the newer transponders even have a low setting, so your chances of hearing it again are getting slimmer.

You're right, many newer transponders don't even have them. Older ones had the rotary switch with "OFF" "STBY" "LO" "NORM", with the military ones also having "EMER".
Do you see it on here?:

Never had anyone ask me for this, but I guess maybe I should know what to do if they do....