Soloed Today!


Well-Known Member
I know I don't post here much at all, but I am a habitual lurker. I just needed to shout from the mountain tops that I soloed today! What a feeling! 14.5 hrs. This site has been a great tool so far in my training.:D
I know I don't post here much at all, but I am a habitual lurker. I just needed to shout from the mountain tops that I soloed today! What a feeling! 14.5 hrs. This site has been a great tool so far in my training.:D

Congrats, Veeter. Where are you training?
Congrats man!

Nothing beats the sense of accomplishment from soloing. Wait till you knock out your solo x-country. That one made me feel really good. Being able to take off, navigate, and return myself &the plane in one piece, lol.
Monarch Addison.

Congrats man!! :nana2:

I flew with Monarch out of KTKI, im sure your familiar with that airport. If you ever want to fly somewhere, let me know. I can grab my plane, you rent from Monarch and we can grab lunch or something.
Congrats man!! :nana2:

I flew with Monarch out of KTKI, im sure your familiar with that airport. If you ever want to fly somewhere, let me know. I can grab my plane, you rent from Monarch and we can grab lunch or something.

Very familiar with KTKI, that's where my solo took place. The weather out there today was perfect. I'm pretty sure I'll be back there tomorrow during my stage check. What part of town are you in, Mckinney or closer to the city?

As the years pass, there will be many days of your life that will fade into the haze of time passing; but today will not be one of them. Today is a day that you will remember all your life.
I've always said that the day that you solo is the day that you can legitimately say "I'm a pilot".

Congrats pilot!
I know I don't post here much at all, but I am a habitual lurker. I just needed to shout from the mountain tops that I soloed today! What a feeling! 14.5 hrs. This site has been a great tool so far in my training.:D

Well done! It's all PIC now.
WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Congrats, a whole new world of possibilities has just been opened up to you. Enjoy it!