Progressive Taxi


New Member
This is just a simple question. I am a student and at this point just about every airport is unfamiliar to me. When I ask for "progressive taxi" is that a big inconvenience to ATC? Does it put a huge workload on the controllers? And finally can you deny a request for progressive taxi regardless if it’s a student or not?
Thank you very much
Hello, I am pretty new around here but I have asked for progressive several times at airports that I dont fly to all that much. Even pretty simple ones like Des Moines and Sioux City. The controllers have been more than happy to accomodate the request. I did ask this question to the controllers when I visited the tower here in Omaha, and they would much rather you ask than do something wrong. Runway Incursion is a big Hot Topic right now with the FAA, so I think this a perfect way to ensure safety.
Every time I've asked for progressive taxi or let the know "pilot is unfamiliar" they are extremely helpful. I've done it at large class B, C, and D airports. I think they understand that not everyone knows the layout and preferences of that specific airport.

ATC has always been more than willing to help me in the past.
Asking for a progressive is not a problem at all. I work with many former tower controllers and I asked them this myself a while back (I have a PPL license) because I often had to ask for one.

They all have said they welcome it... asking for one alerts them that you are unfamiliar with the airport and reminds them to keep an eye on you and avoid giving any complicated instructions.

Omaha Pilot hit the nail on the head, we always rather you ask if you don't understand something. This applies to anything... be it on the ground or in the air. Keep in mind that in the larger Airports, ARTCC's and TRACONS we work the same sort of traffic everyday and many of the pilots flying through are familiar with the ops. If you get instructions or don't understand something speak up and let us know. If I issue you something and you read it back I move on, I'm done with ya.

Anyone can ask for a progressive taxi, from a 10 hour student to a 30,000 hour captain. I know ATC can seem intimidating to the novice but we are there to help...

Good Question...
OmahaPilot said:
Even pretty simple ones like Des Moines

my home airport...probably one of the crappiest airports ive ever seen in my life.

you know its bad when Jet Blue wont come through :D
PGT said:
my home airport...probably one of the crappiest airports ive ever seen in my life.

you know its bad when Jet Blue wont come through :D

Okay, I agree with you on that one. We fly there quite a bit for dinner and head over to Elliott. Every time I get progressive! The controllers are pretty funny, last time I was in there they said "dont make the next left cause that is the guard base and they dont like to mix their f-16's with 172's!!"