President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks out

Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I'm all aflutter, sweetcakes!! Kisses!!

(I think I just threw up in my mouth a little :D :D :D :D )

See you at JC '09, handsome. At which we'd better both start plying the barflies ricky-tick, lest this thread be brought in to Evidence. ;)
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

OK...lessee...big fat ol' 747 with a pretty paint job that says "United States of America"...couple of F-16's flying alongside.

Yep, them terrorists hijacked it...snuck right through all those USAF Special Ops guys at Andrews and hotwired the ignition...and flew it to NYC with no one the wiser...

The mayor woulda banned it...

They shoulda told the public...

Get real.

Damn helo's fly over DC and the Pentagon and no one dives for cover. Planes zip up and down the River Approach at DCA every day, passing the Pentagon (it got hit too), no one dives for cover.

These guys were on a routine training hop and scheduled in the NYC photo op with the trip. And they're supposed to notify the world...and a few terrorists at the same time?

C' thing you know, they'll be scheduling a "Benefit Concert in Central Park for the People Terrorized by the Fly By."

Acting this way and getting all spooled up is just what the terrorists wanted. It wasn't about the buildings and who was about terror...and making you see the bogeyman everywhere and living in fear.

Quit living like a victim and we win. Live like a victim and they win.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

OK...lessee...big fat ol' 747 with a pretty paint job that says "United States of America"...couple of F-16's flying alongside.

Yep, them terrorists hijacked it...snuck right through all those USAF Special Ops guys at Andrews and hotwired the ignition...and flew it to NYC with no one the wiser...

The mayor woulda banned it...

They shoulda told the public...

Get real.

Damn helo's fly over DC and the Pentagon and no one dives for cover. Planes zip up and down the River Approach at DCA every day, passing the Pentagon (it got hit too), no one dives for cover.

These guys were on a routine training hop and scheduled in the NYC photo op with the trip. And they're supposed to notify the world...and a few terrorists at the same time?

C' thing you know, they'll be scheduling a "Benefit Concert in Central Park for the People Terrorized by the Fly By."

Acting this way and getting all spooled up is just what the terrorists wanted. It wasn't about the buildings and who was about terror...and making you see the bogeyman everywhere and living in fear.

Quit living like a victim and we win. Live like a victim and they win.

But...but...but...if we quit living like victims, then we are accused of "forgetting 9/11".
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Quit living like a victim and we win. Live like a victim and they win.

I second that. Thank you for stating so eloquently what I have been trying to say. To be afraid of the terrorists to the point of giving up our freedoms, is to be the loser in this "war on terror".
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

while our 'President' is talking about how we need to cut spending and redo the budget, here they are pouring money out the wings a 747.

Dude, did you not read my lengthy post about that only a couple before yours?

The money for the fuel and time is all ready spent. There's no "saving" it.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Very easy for us to make fun of these people, but trauma stays with you a LONG time, and you have the benefit of seeing it on a youtube video, with the facts already known, from the safety of your computer screen. Just sayin'. :o

Make fun? I kinda feel sorry for them. There's Laguardia, JFK, and a sundry of other airports nearby. Each time you hear an airplane go by, you're going to have flashbacks of something that happened long ago especially in an crowded airspace such as New York? Yes, if you're that paranoid an individual, you indeed need help, for you are truly in a very degraded mental state.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Do I get a badge if I was? Do I get to use it as a pick up line at the bar? I know, I'll have a panic attack and use it as an excuse to take off the rest of the day.
On a side note, I fell down some stairs when I was wee lad. Now every time I see stairs that look like the ones I fell down I get a little sweaty.


. . . and I have more real world experiences if you wish a less sarcastic analogy. ;)
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Dude, did you not read my lengthy post about that only a couple before yours?

The money for the fuel and time is all ready spent. There's no "saving" it.

I love you guys! Education is fundamental!
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Just saw the video on the news and if I was a NY'r that had lived through 9/11 I think I would've been scared crapless. Not many were trying to see the markings on the plane, but rather noticed/heard a huge jet flying really low while two fighters were on it. How much would it have cost to run some radio ads the day before and the day of? Bad juju for all those involved.

You're right. Better PR would have been more effective. The space shuttle, when landed in California, is piggybacked to Florida atop a 747 escorted by a T-38. It would have been an excellent photo opportunity for many had they announced it. Hundreds/thousands of people along the flight path come out to take pictures. Had I been in New York and informed me of a fly-by, I would have been out to take a photo.

Most importantly, post traumatic stress or not, I'm not going to immediately assume anything negative until I'm absolutely sure of impending disaster.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

You know what's a damned shame? That every citizen of NYC & NJ who survived and/or knew some of the victims of 9/11 cannot be as manly as you who think it's funny to mock them. And to those of you who state you'd have waited until being "absolutely sure of impending disaster" before taking any precautionary actions--do you realize that the people who died in the 2nd tower did so because they were told it was safe to go back to their offices while they were evacuating? The ones who heeded the PA announcement were killed.
I have to admit, I'm more than a little disturbed by the opinions and rationale I've read on this thread. I think some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for mocking those of us who were witness to 9/11 and have some very raw feelings. I imagine you'd feel different if your hometown was ever involved in an attack, but I doubt your towns would make good targets.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

You know what's a damned shame? That every citizen of NYC & NJ who survived and/or knew some of the victims of 9/11 cannot be as manly as you who think it's funny to mock them. And to those of you who state you'd have waited until being "absolutely sure of impending disaster" before taking any precautionary actions--do you realize that the people who died in the 2nd tower did so because they were told it was safe to go back to their offices while they were evacuating? The ones who heeded the PA announcement were killed.
I have to admit, I'm more than a little disturbed by the opinions and rationale I've read on this thread. I think some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for mocking those of us who were witness to 9/11 and have some very raw feelings. I imagine you'd feel different if your hometown was ever involved in an attack, but I doubt your towns would make good targets.

I was just about to state the same thing. I am ashamed of some of you. Again, you have the hindsight of what this event was. You are at minimum, Aviation enthusiasts, perhaps even likely to understand what was happening. To expect the average citizen to do the same is naive.

I like making fun of New Yawkers as much as anyone, and I have plenty to dislike about the city, shucks, Miss DarrenF is from Brooklyn, so enough said.

But man, you guys are too much. :banghead:
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

You know what's a damned shame? That every citizen of NYC & NJ who survived and/or knew some of the victims of 9/11 cannot be as manly as you who think it's funny to mock them. And to those of you who state you'd have waited until being "absolutely sure of impending disaster" before taking any precautionary actions--do you realize that the people who died in the 2nd tower did so because they were told it was safe to go back to their offices while they were evacuating? The ones who heeded the PA announcement were killed.
I have to admit, I'm more than a little disturbed by the opinions and rationale I've read on this thread. I think some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for mocking those of us who were witness to 9/11 and have some very raw feelings. I imagine you'd feel different if your hometown was ever involved in an attack, but I doubt your towns would make good targets.
Qgar, you know I respect you, but come on. You don't like how we view the world, so you attack......our home towns????

We understand that you and many others bear emotional scars from 9/11. On my part, at least, I don't "mock" that.

My belief is that if we duck every time a car backfires (so to speak) - the terroist have already won.

In short - too much is being made of this event.

If the entire citizenry of NY City feels the need to duck and cover - then perhaps the terrorist have, indeed, won. Terroist 1 - America (represented by the citizens of NY - 0).

Is that what you are saying? Is that what you truly believe?

One of my very good friends was in law school in NY on 9/11. She was on the sidewalk - literally 4 blocks from the WTC's when the second plane hit. She saw it with her own eyes....felt the heat from the blast - and hid all day in a building, feeling the buildings collapse just a few blocks away.

Another friend rented an office in WTC 2. Luckily, he had not made it to the office that day, but was en route when everything went down.

I spoke with both yesterday and they both basically said " big deal."

Guess we need to be ashamed of them because they've put the pain behind them too????

What we as Americans should be ashamed of is those amung us who refuse to let go of the pain and the fear.

If not - as it's been said - the terroists have won. Plain and simple.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Qgar, you know I respect you, but come on. You don't like how we view the world, so you attack......our home towns????

We understand that you and many others bear emotional scars from 9/11. On my part, at least, I don't "mock" that.

My belief is that if we duck every time a car backfires (so to speak) - the terroist have already won.

In short - too much is being made of this event.

If the entire citizenry of NY City feels the need to duck and cover - then perhaps the terrorist have, indeed, won. Terroist 1 - America (represented by the citizens of NY - 0).

Is that what you are saying? Is that what you truly believe?

One of my very good friends was in law school in NY on 9/11. She was on the sidewalk - literally 4 blocks from the WTC's when the second plane hit. She saw it with her own eyes....felt the heat from the blast - and hid all day in a building, feeling the buildings collapse just a few blocks away.

Another friend rented an office in WTC 2. Luckily, he had not made it to the office that day, but was en route when everything went down.

I spoke with both yesterday and they both basically said " big deal."

Guess we need to be ashamed of them because they've put the pain behind them too????

What we as Americans should be ashamed of is those amung us who refuse to let go of the pain and the fear.

If not - as it's been said - the terroists have won. Plain and simple.

The terrorists have won, what BS. If that is how you keep score, then I guess they have won. :rolleyes:
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

9/11 did happen in my hometown. That being said, Stan is right on. Terrorists win by instilling fear into their enemies. It is the goal of terrorists and terrorist actions. In this regard, people running flinching because a plane went flying overhead sounds like fear. I heard about the flyby today when I got home from work and my reaction to some people here being up in arms was incredulity.

I'm sorry, I don't live my life in fear. I'm not going to stop flying on planes because one crashed recently. I'm not going to go running from a building when a plane goes flying by because one was hit by a plane several years ago. It was a terrible tragedy. That being said we all need to move on.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Have you seen the videos of the 747/F-16s flying over?

Look...we're all accustomed to normal air traffic overhead. New Yorkers are not freaking out about normal air traffic.

People, not just one..two...but hundreds if not thousands recognized that this was not a normal sight. If you see the video it's a 747 flying low, banking at 30-45deg with fighters behind it.

Sure...Airplane geeks (I'm one) might recognize what's up. THE REST OF THE WORLD SEES a 747 WITH F-16's FOLLOWING IT DOING 45 DEG BANKS UP AND DOWN THE EAST RIVER AND THINK SOMETHING IS UP>............IMAGINE THAT?!

And to those who say we're taking a victim mentality. WTF?! Let's say you walk down the wrong street one night and get robbed at knifepoint by two punks......You're fine for a few years. Then you find yourself on the same street some time later and two punks are approaching you. If you're not at least a little scared then hold on...let me get out a wheel barrow to haul your nuts around in.

Seriously. Get a clue guys.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Stan, and others.....If you think NY'ers cower in fear everytime we see or hear a plane in the'd be dead wrong. What WILL get our attention is something out the ordinary that evokes some memories we'd rather not have. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. And as others have said, not everyone is a savvy pilot or aviation geek. There are some young people out in the world by themselves for the first time, some senior citizens and some other people who may bear some emotional scars from 9/11. To dismiss that with the lack of sensitivity that's been exhibited here, is a bit over the top, IMHO.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Stan, and others.....If you think NY'ers cower in fear everytime we see or hear a plane in the'd be dead wrong. What WILL get our attention is something out the ordinary that evokes some memories we'd rather not have. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. And as others have said, not everyone is a savvy pilot or aviation geek. There are some young people out in the world by themselves for the first time, some senior citizens and some other people who may bear some emotional scars from 9/11. To dismiss that with the lack of sensitivity that's been exhibited here, is a bit over the top, IMHO.
Kind of over the top like this comment???
I imagine you'd feel different if your hometown was ever involved in an attack, but I doubt your towns would make good targets.
Every time they evacuate DC due to an airplane flying overhead at 5,000', and it ends up being a C-172 or similar, I fear for this nation. Every time I hear we're all going to die due to some flu (but then the media says "don't get too freaked out, but"), I fear for this nation (and yes I did watch the Daily Show.) Every time I hear anybody overreacting to something that has happened in the past, and thinking it's going to happen in the future, I fear for this nation.

A few posts above said the exactly correct thing...the terrorists have won!!!