President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks out

Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I love to see our tax dollars going to good use

While there are tons and tons of areas that tax dollars are frivolously wasted in America, you don't need to look at a flight such as this as an example of it. It is most definitely not a waste of anything.

It's the same argument people often use when complaining about military flybys of sporting events -- that somehow being part of such events is a big waste or a frivolous use of military time and equipment.

Remember, flying hours are flying hours. Military units are given specific numbers of allotted hours per year in order to accomplish specific training and mission objectives. Pilots need to accomplish certain numbers of events (individual sorties of different types, types of approaches, etc) every year during those allotted flying hours.

Those hours are going to be flown off essentially no matter what the type of mission is that is being accomplished. This particular photo flight updated currencies for the pilots involved, added to their required flights for the month, and allowed them to log off required events at a minimum.

You can bet that the VC-25 and the F-16 didn't just take off from Andrews, circle Mahanttan, then land. The probably went and did other things to log training events after that.

Again, the sortie and hours are going to be flown off either way to make sure everyone gets required currencies.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

That video was taken from New Jersey. That tall glass tower is the Goldman Sachs building in Jersey City. It sits directly across the river from Ground Zero and sits next to a number of new towers that were constructed after 9/11 to accommodate financial companies who were displaced from the WTC area.

Many of the people who ran like "morons" probably looked up, saw a big ass airplane being tailed by fighter jets while circling over lower Manhattan and thought to themselves, "here it is again. Last time my coworkers waited to leave and it cost them their lives. If this is another attack, I'm out."

Having stood two blocks west of that bulding on 9/11 I can't say I disagree with them.

:yeahthat: It's funny, isn't it Matt, how people who were hundreds and even thousands of miles away from NYC/NJ on 9/11 think anyone whose nerves got jangled yesterday are a bunch of wussies. It saddens me to think our fellow citizens are THAT insensitive. :(

Just FYI--in the past anytime there was something planned that may have made NY'ers anxious regarding low-flying aircraft--there's been advance notice via newspapers, radio and tv. Someone dropped the ball on this one, and is probably going to pay.

I give anyone who escaped the WTC on 9/11 and had the balls to go back to work anywhere near that area or in any tall building ALOT of credit. Not so sure I could have. For them to have been upset by yesterday's event is not surprising.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Our collective national amnesia is not one of our better American traits.

Amnesia? How could we possibly forget when every third word (or number in this case) I hear on the damn news is 9/11. I think its quite the opposite of amnesia. We can't forget it, but we need to get our crap together and move on. This is exactly what the crazies who did it wanted to make us a country of paranoid pansies.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Listen to you whine like a 5 year old whose ice cream cone just fell on the ground. Oh the inconvenience!!
Bet those pilots on 9-11 wished the TSA was around to "inconvenience" everyone back then.
You think we have gestapo at our airports??? :laff: :D :rotfl:You are kidding right?
Our security at our airports right now is much like our security at our borders.......a really big joke!!!
This is part of the national amnesia I referenced earlier and it will be our downfall as a nation. We don't STAY diligent.
Your "poor me I'm so inconvenienced" attitude is sickening.

I'd rather keep my freedom and be slightly in danger than put on a helmet and hide under my desk thanks.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I understand you are off to UPT. You probably won't serve as a staff officer for about 10 years. I've been there and done that. This whole thing was improperly staffed. Period end of discussion. Heads will roll. You have the Mayor or New York and the senior senator from NY incensed about this. There are reports that the President was angry about this. The White House has apologized about this.
Anyone with any sense knows that this monumental screwup created a major disruption in NYC by unprofessional staffing and coordination. The photo op could have went down without problems or at least any uproar had it done appropriately. The mayor should have absolutely been in on the loop, and he said he was have objected strongly to it. You think that to go against his wishes would be smart and anyone senior to a jr Captain would think it was a good idea?
First thing any brand new Lieutenant should learn is that poop rolls down hill.

Pulling rank on JC....hillarious
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I can't believe that it is any business whatsoever of the NY congressmen and Mayor if two military aircraft are flying perfectly legally and safely.

The USAF went above and beyond what was really required by staffing it through the FAA, anyway -- mostly I'm sure because that's horrendously busy airspace and they wanted to be able to do multiple photo passes.

What the hell do Chuck Schumer and Mike Bloomberg expect? Did they want public television announcements saying that the VC-25 and a fighter were going to be circling Manhattan for 30 minutes? Are the people of NY now so precious and special that they need such handling with kid gloves?

Ridiculous. People need to re-cage their panic-meters.

You know, I don't know what kind of announcement would have been appropriate. But to ignore the fact that airliners/military jets were maneuvering over the city less than 10 years ago to cause the greatest attack on civilians in US history can't be ignored. No...the attacks didn't happen in Dallas, or Atlanta...People in those cities don't have vivid memories of two 1100' towers with their family members and or friends collapsing.

So no...I don't think the people of NY are "precious." But you seem think that 9/11 has been forgotten in NYC.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Those conspiracy theories were on a recent episode of Mythbusters. It was fascinating to see how they were able to debunk all of the alleged proof that the landing was faked.

It was fascinating. The "evidence" seemed plausible on its face but when it was analyzed more deeply, it was shown to be false.

The Mythbuster guys are in on it...:nana2:
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

So, why wasn't New York in a total panic with Catus 1549? It was flying low, so low in fact it was able to land in the Hudson! News is calling it Scare Force One. And while our 'President' is talking about how we need to cut spending and redo the budget, here they are pouring money out the wings a 747.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

So, why wasn't New York in a total panic with Catus 1549? It was flying low, so low in fact it was able to land in the Hudson! News is calling it Scare Force One. And while our 'President' is talking about how we need to cut spending and redo the budget, here they are pouring money out the wings a 747.

Because Cactus was an airliner flying (descending) over the Hudson for maybe 2 minutes until it went down. Until the last minute or two it's flight path was normal, just another airliner climbing east to west over the city.

Air Force One, doing fly-bys followed by fighter jets for over 20 minutes is not similar. Let's say you can't see the markings, all you see is a 747 flying by significant landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and the Verrazano Bridge followed by F-16s.

Not very similar.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Not to mention the fact that concerned citizens DID call 911 to report it.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

And while our 'President' is talking about how we need to cut spending and redo the budget, here they are pouring money out the wings a 747.

I'm kind of assuming that this wasn't a decision made at that level. Do you have some evidence suggesting otherwise?
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

no reason to blame the AF for spending that is totally off topic. No reason to blame NY'ers for panicing, it is a natural human response. child hand + hot stove = no child hand on cold stove.

People (read: Organizations) to blame:
NYPD - was informed but did not relay the message to ppl calling/ people responding to calls
Mayor's office - didn't relay the message to the boss so he's upset.

Oh and what's the deal with bloomberg saying he would have never allowed it. Since when did he become the issuer of a class B clearance?
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I can't believe that it is any business whatsoever of the NY congressmen and Mayor if two military aircraft are flying perfectly legally and safely.

The USAF went above and beyond what was really required by staffing it through the FAA, anyway -- mostly I'm sure because that's horrendously busy airspace and they wanted to be able to do multiple photo passes.

What the hell do Chuck Schumer and Mike Bloomberg expect? Did they want public television announcements saying that the VC-25 and a fighter were going to be circling Manhattan for 30 minutes? Are the people of NY now so precious and special that they need such handling with kid gloves?

Ridiculous. People need to re-cage their panic-meters.
I'd like to see the USAF COS call a press conference and say just that.:D

No Air Force leader (read senior military or civilian) would ever do anything like this to intentionally tick off an influential politician, not one. It angered the President too. Is it any of his business? Second of all it created economic loss as well. Third it made the USAF look very unprofessional.

I personally would have pointed and said cool, there's the prez ride and a couple of vipers, far out! But a lot of people wouldn't. I know you are venting on the internet, but really it was an undeniable mistake.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I can think of worse uses of taxpayer dollars than blowing Goldman Sachs the filterword up. Oohhhhhh!

I just hate to see you all fighting amongst yourselves...unite in your anger at me!
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

(Oh yeah, it's because a crewmember who had been FIRED from his job was pissed, brought a gun onboard, and killed the pilots and everyone else on board with a subsequent crash; that seems to be a large oversight by the company...)

If you're talking about the PSA (real PSA...Catch Our Smile) thing, that guy wasn't even a crew member.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Just saw the video on the news and if I was a NY'r that had lived through 9/11 I think I would've been scared crapless. Not many were trying to see the markings on the plane, but rather noticed/heard a huge jet flying really low while two fighters were on it. How much would it have cost to run some radio ads the day before and the day of? Bad juju for all those involved.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I can think of worse uses of taxpayer dollars than blowing Goldman Sachs the filterword up. Oohhhhhh!

I just hate to see you all fighting amongst yourselves...unite in your anger at me!
I try, but I cannot. You, Boris, are but a large teddy bear that needs to be cuddled and hugged.....repeatedly. And I dare say that one day, when we meet, I shall do just that.

(shudder) Okay....I'm going to gouge my brain out for even thinking up that paragraph.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I try, but I cannot. You, Boris, are but a large teddy bear that needs to be cuddled and hugged.....repeatedly. And I dare say that one day, when we meet, I shall do just that.

It's a date, good lookin. Just FYI, I'm neither large, nor bearish (except regarding the rotting edifice of the western financial system and the associated "stock market", perhaps), though. Sharp elbows and teeth. Think "cornered rat". But with lots of luv to give. :D
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

It's a date, good lookin. Just FYI, I'm neither large, nor bearish, though. Sharp elbows and teeth. Think "cornered rat". But with lots of luv to give. :D
I'm all aflutter, sweetcakes!! Kisses!!

(I think I just threw up in my mouth a little :D :D :D :D )