President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks out

Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I saw AF1 or its look alike today in Atlantic City Intl (ACY) doing touch and goes before landing... They took her over the casinos too, pretty cool sight!

They do practice approaches there a lot. What were you doing in town??
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Listen to you whine like a 5 year old whose ice cream cone just fell on the ground. Oh the inconvenience!!
Bet those pilots on 9-11 wished the TSA was around to "inconvenience" everyone back then.
You think we have gestapo at our airports??? :laff: :D :rotfl:You are kidding right?
Our security at our airports right now is much like our security at our borders.......a really big joke!!!
This is part of the national amnesia I referenced earlier and it will be our downfall as a nation. We don't STAY diligent.
Your "poor me I'm so inconvenienced" attitude is sickening.

You contradict yourself. First you make the TSA sound like some super force.. then call them a big joke. So which is it?
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Workin with my dad moving stuff... They do? I never would have guessed that, what is so special with ACY?

Class D outta the way? Close enough to DC? All kinds of approaches. Just a guess.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

If you were in New York on 9-11-2001 (a weather morning much like today by the way) you wouldn't be telling people to chill out when they react to a foolish, ill-conceived and unpublicized aerial "photo-op".
What they experienced was an emotional flashback which caused a collective overreaction.
Hey I've got a good idea for their next shoot. Maybe these brainiacs can leave a vacated Ryder rental truck in front the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City while they capture that moment on film.
Our collective national amnesia is not one of our better American traits.
The OKC comment made me laugh out loud,.

Honestly, I can't blame people for getting so nervous. In my opinion, it was too far. Then again, I wasn't anywhere close to near involved so I can't really say much.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Bet those pilots on 9-11 wished the TSA was around to "inconvenience" everyone back then.

You do realize that one of the hijackers set off the metal detectors and was given a closer exam and then sent on his way, right?

Why? Because the weapons they used complied with the rules and the real weapon was surprise.

They aren't fighting the last war, but we still are.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Listen to you whine like a 5 year old whose ice cream cone just fell on the ground. Oh the inconvenience!!
Bet those pilots on 9-11 wished the TSA was around to "inconvenience" everyone back then.
You think we have gestapo at our airports??? :laff: :D :rotfl:You are kidding right?
Our security at our airports right now is much like our security at our borders.......a really big joke!!!
This is part of the national amnesia I referenced earlier and it will be our downfall as a nation. We don't STAY diligent.
Your "poor me I'm so inconvenienced" attitude is sickening.

Ok, well then you explain to me the following, for a uniformed crewmember, and for non-uniformed crewmembers. Number 1, I have to go through a 10 year background check from the FBI in addition to all the BS with PRIA and also finger-printing for a SIDA badge. Why then, do I need to go through the metal detector?

(Oh yeah, it's because a crewmember who had been FIRED from his job was pissed, brought a gun onboard, and killed the pilots and everyone else on board with a subsequent crash; that seems to be a large oversight by the company...)

Why is it that I can't bring my pocketknife or the like on board, when I can have a fellow crewmember with a pistol? Is it because I might kill him with a hit to the neck with it? What about those fancy controls in front of me, the pressurization system, the crash axe, etc. etc. that could be used if a crewmember were really nuts (think EgyptAir 990 nuts).

Why is it, in addition to this, I am forced to go through the bomb sniffing machine in full uniform? Again, reference previous paragraph... easier for me to risk getting caught in security or just do something nutso when I get in the cockpit?

Why is it that I can have a guy making $8.00 threaten to kick me out of security because I don't have a boarding pass to jumpseat?

Why is it that these Tiny Scrotal Officers insist on taking away a kids drink that's more than X ounces, and announcing to the crowd that he now has a drink for his lunch?

Why is it that the TSOs can walk through the metal detector and go off like a damn car alarm, and yet no-one gives them a second glance?

"National Amnesia"? These agencies were created as a farce to make people think 9-11 couldn't happen again. Don't worry, it's highly unlikely, but more because of the passengers and the crewmembers not wanting to be projectiles in buildings. If we really wanted to project safety, we'd have police officers with automatic weapons manning the checkpoints.

I'm not afraid of the terrorists, I'm not afraid of my passengers, and I'm not afraid of my fellow crewmembers.

We need CrewPASS, NOW! I want to see the liquids restrictions removed too. That restriction is a joke - what's to stop 10 terrorists with 3 ounces of liquids in their bags from combining them in a normal sized container on the other side of the checkpoint?
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

AF1 hijacked? Sounds like the New Yorkers have been watching a little too much 24.

If they want to panic, then that is there own fault.

"oh my god"
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Statue of Liberty is a Federal Landmark, the Air Force should be able to take photo's with it for recruiting/morale purposes. It is unfortunate that this caused a panic, hopefully in the future better communication can avoid this stuff.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Statue of Liberty is a Federal Landmark, the Air Force should be able to take photo's with it for recruiting/morale purposes. It is unfortunate that this caused a panic, hopefully in the future better communication can avoid this stuff.

I understand you are off to UPT. You probably won't serve as a staff officer for about 10 years. I've been there and done that. This whole thing was improperly staffed. Period end of discussion. Heads will roll. You have the Mayor or New York and the senior senator from NY incensed about this. There are reports that the President was angry about this. The White House has apologized about this.
Anyone with any sense knows that this monumental screwup created a major disruption in NYC by unprofessional staffing and coordination. The photo op could have went down without problems or at least any uproar had it done appropriately. The mayor should have absolutely been in on the loop, and he said he was have objected strongly to it. You think that to go against his wishes would be smart and anyone senior to a jr Captain would think it was a good idea?
First thing any brand new Lieutenant should learn is that poop rolls down hill.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

In today's day of digital enhancement as is used in moviemaking; couldn't the AF1 and jets fly over the ocean, and have a New York background with Statue of Liberty digitally input?

Heck.....don't even need to have flown and spent the $$$ we don't have....the whole thing could have been created ala movie style......

.....or like the moon landing, if you talk to those types lol..
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

Thinking it was just cheaper and easier (read: more fun).
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I like to think all the tax dollars I have paid, and will pay, God willing, for the rest of my life covered about 15 minutes of expenses for that entire operation.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I thought the same. This was just a boondoggle gone bad. Even if you could justify it, it was done poorly. What they should have done was to staff it to occur on a patriotic holiday like July 4th, memorial day, or publicize the heck out of it like the Navy does for Fleet day in NYC. Lousy lousy staffing.
So trying to explain to a NY congressman who is on the appropriations committee that we can spend so much money for this, and cause a lot of monetary damage from economic disruption, but need more money to buy a few more raptors? This is the type of mistake the Air Force needs to avoid. This one was a no brainer.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

From the article...

I also think that once they had told us, we should have done a better job. Had I known about it, I would have called them right away and asked them not to.

Suuure you would have.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I like to think all the tax dollars I have paid, and will pay, God willing, for the rest of my life covered about 15 minutes of expenses for that entire operation.


I often have thoughts like that. All my tax dollars I ever paid went to fuel we dumped out of EP-3Es at the end of every fiscal quarter so our fuel optar budget would balance to the penny, to prove we had a very clever skipper, XO and operations officer worthy of an early promote checked box on the fitrep.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

.....or like the moon landing, if you talk to those types lol..

Those conspiracy theories were on a recent episode of Mythbusters. It was fascinating to see how they were able to debunk all of the alleged proof that the landing was faked. From the "non parallel" shadows to the "they had to use stage lighting to make the astronaut stand out" to the "footprints in dry sand aren't distinct" to the "flags don't wave in a vacuum," every single thing cited as "evidence" that the moon landing was faked was debunked.

It was fascinating. The "evidence" seemed plausible on its face but when it was analyzed more deeply, it was shown to be false.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

That video was taken from New Jersey. That tall glass tower is the Goldman Sachs building in Jersey City. It sits directly across the river from Ground Zero and sits next to a number of new towers that were constructed after 9/11 to accommodate financial companies who were displaced from the WTC area.

Many of the people who ran like "morons" probably looked up, saw a big ass airplane being tailed by fighter jets while circling over lower Manhattan and thought to themselves, "here it is again. Last time my coworkers waited to leave and it cost them their lives. If this is another attack, I'm out."

Having stood two blocks west of that bulding on 9/11 I can't say I disagree with them.
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I love to see our tax dollars going to good use
Re: President's Jet buzzes Lady Liberty; Manhattan freaks ou

I can't believe that it is any business whatsoever of the NY congressmen and Mayor if two military aircraft are flying perfectly legally and safely.

The USAF went above and beyond what was really required by staffing it through the FAA, anyway -- mostly I'm sure because that's horrendously busy airspace and they wanted to be able to do multiple photo passes.

What the hell do Chuck Schumer and Mike Bloomberg expect? Did they want public television announcements saying that the VC-25 and a fighter were going to be circling Manhattan for 30 minutes? Are the people of NY now so precious and special that they need such handling with kid gloves?

Ridiculous. People need to re-cage their panic-meters.