Picture posting


Vintage Restoration
How can I get a site like this? My Dad is always e-mailing and calling me now that he's retired, kinda "living vicariously through his son." I'd like to start taking pictures with my camera phone (Sprint PCS) so he can look while I'm on my trips and stuff. Is it easy?
If you're signed up with the SprintPCS Vision program, you should have no problem. You just shoot a text msg and hte person gets an email directing them to the website where the photos are posted....
I just gotta remember how I modified the software to work correctly. But once I have it figured out, I'll hook both you and Lloyd with a photo thingy!
How can I get a site like this? My Dad is always e-mailing and calling me now that he's retired, kinda "living vicariously through his son." I'd like to start taking pictures with my camera phone (Sprint PCS) so he can look while I'm on my trips and stuff. Is it easy?

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Duuuude your dad was a pilot also how cool? What airline did he fly for and what equip type did he fly?

Thanks for the help. I guess I could e-mail them, just would be easier if he could get them in one place I guess.

No my Dad wasn't an airline pilot, he worked in law enforcement. He's completely taken-in by my career though. Proud Dad and all, ya know?
The blog is a pretty cool thing. Several of my FOs have seen me snapping pics with the phone and emailing them away. They get that look that dogs get when you talk to them, wondering what exactly I'm doing.