Phoenix Air Group

They fly alot of DoD contracts. There is a line of 4 LJ's sitting outside my hangar on NAS North Island. Most of their pilots are retired tactical pilots however there are a few that are just mere mortal civs.

It's likely that they require lots of Turbine time, but don't let that discourage you. PM me with questions and I can ask the manager here.
They fly alot of DoD contracts. There is a line of 4 LJ's sitting outside my hangar on NAS North Island. Most of their pilots are retired tactical pilots however there are a few that are just mere mortal civs.

It's likely that they require lots of Turbine time, but don't let that discourage you. PM me with questions and I can ask the manager here.

Thanks for the reply.

I have been down to their HQ and been renting one of their 172s from the flight school/FBO side since posting this thread. Looks like a great operation and it looks like its one of those "Go hangout and have a good personality to get the job" type of deals. They have a very senior group of Captains with little turn over on that side so upgrade is going to take close to a decade if you stick around. Most of the captains come from Fighter/Bomber backgrounds. Lots of international EMS flying too. They go to lots of "marginal" countries to pick up sick people! It looks like a very fun job but also easy to get burned out. From what I gather the FOs work 2 weeks on and then on call for 2 weeks with the only real off time being when you take vacation. With that said they rotate all the "off" pilots so the on call is not seniority based its by turn so you do have some time off unless they run out of pilots and your turn comes back up.